On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:26 PM, vikas ruhil <vikasruhi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Okay as i concern we are realistically about this also interested in ,so
> now
> it wake call to every one i also start looking trough my networks from
> twitter ,you-tube ,python communities for make it happen if there is how
> many persons from there heart is with us so why can't we do this  now i am
> gonna put all my effort to make successful this one first meet up in Delhi.
> also i try to use liken-in python groups also try to search some
> professionals ,volunteers,students every one who is inters-ed in python
> .Anubha ,Gora ,Neha ,Noufal thanks all for support me. specially Neha you
> also gonna to speared these words with Every  possible social link for the
> sake of python developers........so i am hopeful every one is gonna to make
> suceesfull this event so i gonna all "Delhi & NCR " user come up stand with
> us

ok here is possibly one such answer towards forming a python user group in
NCR , we have a meeting coming up
http://lug-iitd.org/Geek_meetup_-_12_Feb_2011 , hope you would find enough
people to get started , also you are welcome to present a talk on python ,
what say?

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