"I have a friend, who's finished his education and looking for work."

freelancing is stressful during startup days. It needs more discipline and
skill than someone works in a corporate team.
Until or unless he is extraordinary in taking business situation and
executing them, don't recommend any freelancing especially for someone who
needs money for survival and don't expect anything from parents situation.

"Suggestions, pointers for nu-bee freelancers etc ?"

It comes like how much time you need to generate money for your survival
and living your own lifestyle in freelancing. During that time, whether you
will be able to survive and managed to live a lifestyle you want for. If
you don't have it, don't look for freelancing. Look for regular job and
study and prepare well for interview. freelancing will distract at this
stage. Once you find the job you like, then you can do freelancing as a
side projects or hobby till it you get enough credit and reputations.In
this case, advise him to study well, get participate on stackoverflow or
usenet groups and put them in resume references. IT WORKS REALLY.

Sidu gave a good website references. Generally there are more work on PHP
than in Python on freelancing.

I talk freelancing in terms like crowd-source (programming in variances).
There are many skilled freelancers working for dedicated clients for long
term. Basically they can be referred as an independent consultant in other

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Vishal <vsapr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I have a friend, who's finished his education and looking for work. He
> asked me about freelance programming and I had nothing to share with him.
> Thought of getting to know this mode of professional programming.
> I am trying to get a feel of how it is to do freelance programming...in
> Python..in India ?
> What are the (good) websites that a person in India can approach ?
> What is the usual pay structure (as in you being in India, and the payment
> happening in some international currency), share with website etc ?
> How successful have you been at getting projects where Python is required ?
> (You can say the truth here...its not going to be made public and its not
> going to increase your competition :) )
> Suggestions, pointers for nu-bee freelancers etc ?
> Hope this would be an interesting topic to everyone :))
> --
> Thanks and best regards,
> Vishal Sapre
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