I have something available in Ooty - the only thing is my interns pay me
(and not the other way round)
On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 19:34 +0530, kracethekingmaker wrote:
> Hi
>     Most important point to be noted does your brother enjoying 
> programming?
> He wants to code in python personally? Introduce him to other language 
> as well.
> > Bhavya<bhavya.ma...@gmail.com>  writes:
> >
> >> Hello everyone,
> >>
> >> I am looking for some information&  advice on Python jobs&
> >> internships in Bangalore. My brother will be passing out of college
> >> with a degree in information science&  engineering this
> >> semester. Unfortunately, his grades are bad.
> >>
> >> I work with a start up in Montreal&  we are python crazy,Though I am
> >> not on development side, I have been singing praises about web
> >> development&  python to him. He is learning python right now - he is
> >> been on Zed Shaw's Learn python the hard way&  on Udacity's course.
> > Zed Shaw is a good teacher. I think he's picked a good book to work
> > through.
> >
> >> So, here is what I wanted to know - are there any entry level
> >> internships dealing with python&  web development in Bangalore ? How
> >> much do academics matter to get into any of these ?
> > I think there are small companies in Bangalore (and possibly other
> > cities) that are open to the idea of taking smart kids as interns. They
> > *might* not pay too well but I think that's okay as long as the kid
> > understands that he's being paid lesser than the market rate. I'm not
> > sure if this will affect his later salaries though. The larger
> > companies, atleast in my experience, have become so laden with
> > bureaucratic barnacle that to simply apply for an internship is a bit of
> > a chore in itself.
> >
> > The other thing is that a lot of college students these days get exposed
> > to "real world" software development via. free software. Along with more
> > structured programs like the Google summer of code, they have a lot of
> > ways other than grades to prove their mettle to prospective
> > employers. This is double edged. It magnifies the differences between
> > the students so smart kids get a greater advantage earlier on while
> > average ones who stick to the purely academic line lose out a little.
> >
> >> Any advice and/or help will be much appreciated.
> > So, in summary, my advice would be for your brother to get involved in
> > some free software work. This will give him a bit of a reputation if he
> > pulls it off. Then connect with the startup and tech communities in
> > Bangalore and other cities. I think something will come his way.
> >
> > Good luck to him!
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >

Kenneth Gonsalves

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