On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 01:18:24PM +0530, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
> >
> Its in the downloaded tar.gz. You'll find the jar in lib/src
> Besides the community edition clearly mentions "Free, open-source,
> Apache 2 license"

I had downloaded the OS X version of PyCharm. Looked into the lib/src
folder and found three files (OS X version), viz:
- pycharm-openapi-src.zip
- pycharm-pydev-src.zip
- trove4j_src.jar

None of them have the entire source code the PyCharm IDE.

I don't know what is available in the linux package.

btw, pycharm.jar is about 74 mb, as against the total of the above three
files in the src folder is 897 kb.

Did a google search for 'source code pycharm', found a link to a blog
post[1]. One of the comments was asking for the link of the source code,
which was answered by "The source code of PyCharm CE will be available
in the intellij-community repo on GitHub under Apache 2 license in a few

So, I guess that solves my question on the source code.


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