"But we're experimenting a new theme" ... Love the thought process here.
Really looking forward to attending this one.

Founder - NumerateLabs <http://numeratelabs.com>
Twitter - @originalankur

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 10:29 PM, kracekumar ramaraju <
kracethekingma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> VMWare is hosting May meetup in JP Nagar office on 20th.
> Yes, it's a month away. But we're experimenting a new theme, hence the
> advance email. The theme of the meetup is "The Journey to the kernel."
> - What does "The Journey to the kernel" mean?
>  Python is a high-level dynamic programming language. As a result, a lot of
> details are abstracted. On day to day basis, libraries and language take
> care of memory allocation, garbage collection, cross-platform execution,
> system calls, etc. In this meetup, let's discuss the internals of the
> libraries, core Python, memory optimization and internal working, etc.
> - Can you give concrete examples of such talks?
> Efficient Dictionary Implementation in Python 3.6 - Recently Python 3.6
> implemented Compact Dictionary. As a result, it uses less space. How does
> dictionary work in Python 2.7? What is the difference in 3.6? How is it
> memory efficient? How is hash collision handled?
> How does lists in Python work?How is memory allocated for new items? How is
> memory deallocated? Does Python use contagious memory block internally?
> How does reference counting work in Python? When does GC kick-in?
> How does event loop (asyncio) work in Python?
> How does a Python database driver work?
> What is PEP 484?
> How does a Python debugger work?
> - What is the duration of each talk?
> A talk can be fifteen or thirty or forty minutes including Q&A.
> - Are you expecting talks only from core python?
> No. We accept talks related to any third library like SciPy, NumPy. We're
> happy to have talks which discuss alternate implementation like PyPy,
> Pyston, etc.
> - I don't contribute to CPython can I talk about Python internals?
> Of course! We don't expect you to have a bag full of contributions to talk.
> We want enthusiastic folks who are willing to push the boundary, go out of
> the comfort zone, take the opportunity to learn and present. Consider this
> as your monthly research quest. Pick a topic which you don't know, always
> wanted to learn, gather the information and present.
> - Can I choose an item from the sample talks presented above?
> Absolutely! If something mentioned in example talks resonate to your
> interest, pick one and say to us.
> - I have a talk idea and don't know it fits the category.
> Feel free to email or ping organizers(Abhiram, Chillar Anand, Ram, Krace)
> in the slack. We will help you remove your doubts and give feedback. And
> you make you present!
> We're aware the theme is out of comfort zone for many of our audience. And
> believe pushing the boundaries and learning the hard parts makes individual
> a better programmer.
> Do you have a topic in mind to present or doubts? Reply to this email or
> comment in the meetup page [0].
> [0]: https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/238929256/
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> kracekumar
> http://kracekumar.com
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