Hi All,

PyCon India 2018 preparations has started and we are working on Call for

As every year, we are looking for reviewers to help fine tune the proposals
to make the talks and workshops better.

We have below list of sections this year and the reviewers must be experts
of one or more sections.

   - Core Python
   - Data Analytics
   - Artificial Intelligence
   - Internet of Things
   - Web Develpment
   - Mobile Application Development
   - Security
   - Scientific Computing
   - Network Programming
   - Game Programming
   - Infrastructure
   - Automation
   - Testing

The review of talks and workshops starts as soon as CFP opens and and goes
on till the last day of the conference.

The task of reviewers include, but are not limited to, proposal review and
feedback, help fine tune the proposals, evaluate the knowledge of proposers
on the subject matter, talk selection, presentation review and guide
proposers to improve presentation skills on need basis.

If you are interested to help review the proposals this year or you know
some who can help, please submit your nominations here [1]

Looking forward to have a great conference this year with better talk

[1] https://goo.gl/forms/6j7uaN5qQfgDKxyw1

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