
Are you an experienced OSS contributor looking for projects that could use
your help? Are you the maintainer/contributor of an OSS project and need
help with fixing bugs and/or managing the project?

If you answered “Yes!” to any of the above, then Dev Sprints are here for

*Call for proposals[1] is open for Dev Sprints  @ PyCon India 2018 to be
held on 8-9 Oct 2018.*

If you are a contributor or have been involved in maintenance of any Open
source project, please come forward. This project can be any interesting
Open source project which is based on Python. Ideally, you should have a
history with the project through previous code commits.

Your responsibility will be to help your team set up their development
environment, list out beginner friendly bugs, and guide them on any
problems they face during the event.

*Deadline for submitting proposals is 30th September.*[1]:
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