Abdi nongton ngan duka nu ieu atanapi sanes..abdi nongton eta budak awewe
nyamar jadi budak lalaki dipausahaan bangunan kasar..mimiti titah nyieun cai
jang nginum pagawe..aya pagawe lalaki anu ngarasa kasaing..gawena
ngaherengan wae ka iieu "budak lalaki"..hiji mangsa si pagawe lalaki teh teu
kahaja si budak nu nyamar teh nyisiran ..buukna panjang...manehna ..ambek
bari bogoh sigana mah...teras dibejakeun kadunungan...teras hilap
deui...Naha film eta ? Punten.

On 2/13/08, Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Kang S,
> Pernah nongton ieu film? Halah... ambek kuring mah ka para juragan
> Taliban. Teuing... mani kabina2 kalakuan teh. Enyaan... jadi Pangeran
> di ieu dunya!
> Enya.... eta teh saukur film. Tapi ceuk cenah kanyataanana teu beda
> siga kitu! :(( R
> --- In Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com <Baraya_Sunda%40yahoogroups.com>, "H
> Surtiwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Tapi Kang R..ulah he love meureun aya oge golongan konservatif..anu
> ningali
> > film ieu teh bangga pisan...." Tah numatak awewe tong hayang jadi
> > lalaki...kit tah akibatna..ditewak...minculak...oge make nyamar2
> > sagala...hirup mah kumaha lalaki wae....cag aha !"
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/12/08, hadi john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Ass ww,
> > >
> > > Kang Rh, baraya nu sanes...daramang?
> > > Kabeneran, dua taun ka tukang kuring pernah meuli n nonton film
> > > eta....tapi teuing dmn ayeuna eta laratan dvd teh...
> > >
> > > waasalam
> > >
> > > hadi
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > From: Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <rsyaifoel%40yahoo.com>>
> > > To: Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com 
> > > <Baraya_Sunda%40yahoogroups.com><Baraya_Sunda%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 5:05:06 PM
> > > Subject: [Baraya_Sunda] Film ngeunaan Taliban!
> > >
> > > Tadi peuting kuring nongton film Afganistan dina TV Belgia. Judul film
> > > na Osama.
> > >
> > > Halah... era, sedih, ambek... pokonamah campur aduk weh! Pernah aya nu
> > > nongton ieu film? R
> > >
> > > Synopsis
> > >
> > > A 12-year-old Afghan girl and her mother lose their jobs when the
> > > Taliban closes the hospital where they work. The Taliban have also
> > > forbidden women to leave their houses without a male "legal
> > > companion." With her husband and brother dead, having been killed in
> > > battle during the Soviet invasion and their civil wars, there are no
> > > men left to support the family. Unable to leave the house without fear
> > > of arrest and torture, the mother is left with nowhere to turn. With
> > > no other choice, and inspired by a story her mother tells about a boy
> > > who went under a rainbow and became a girl, she disguises her daughter
> > > as a boy named 'Osama'. Osama manages to secure a job at the local
> > > chai tea shop, but 'his' effeminate ways quickly arouse suspicion
> > > among the other boys.
> > >
> > > Eventually, in a drive to collect soldiers, the local boys, including
> > > Osama, are taken from their homes or work by the Taliban to be trained
> > > as soldiers. At the training school, they are taught how to fight and
> > > conduct ablutions, and Osama realizes it can only be so long before
> > > she is found out. Several of the boys begin to pick on her, and
> > > eventually her secret is outed in one of the movie's most vicious and
> > > disturbing scenes. Arrested, she is put on trial, and as this case is
> > > without precedent, her life is spared when she is given in marriage to
> > > a man who delivered a videotape filmed by a western journalist who is
> > > also being tried. The new husband already has three wives, all of whom
> > > hate him and say that he destroyed their lives, and they take pity
> on her.
> > >
> > > [edit] Production
> > >
> > > The director has said that Osama was at least partially inspired by a
> > > girl he once met, who disguised herself as a boy in order to attend
> > > school.[citation needed] It has also been said that this movie might
> > > have been at least partially inspired by a newspaper report in
> > > Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban.[citation needed]
> > >
> > > The movie was filmed on location in Kabul, Afghanistan. Work began in
> > > June, 2002 and was completed in March 2003 with a budget of
> > > approximately $46,000 USD. All the actors in the film are amateurs
> > > found by the director on the streets of Kabul.
> > >
> > > According to "Marina," a documentary about actress Marina Golbahari
> > > filmed concurrently with the movie, "Osama" was originally entitled
> > > "Rainbow," and ended on a hopeful note, with Osama passing under a
> > > rainbow and gaining her freedom. As time went on, however, the
> > > director grew dissatisfied with the ending and changed it, and also
> > > cut out other scenes in the movie that expressed hope.
> > >
> > > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Osama_(film)
> > >
> > > __________________________________________________________
> > > Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
> > > http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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