--- In Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com, "Waluya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Harun Yahya, pangarang buku-buku teori penciptaan (creationist)
> teori Evolusi, nu populer di Indonesia, cenah dihukum 3 taun panjara 

Ari nu kieu, kumaha nya diterangkeunana ku kreasionis samodel HY? 

Mun samisal engke kapanggih nenek moyang (karuhun) anu nurunkeun
jelema jeung monyet, kumaha rek diterangkeunana deuih? :)) R

Scientists discover "frogamander" fossil
Wed May 21, 2008 6:49pm EDT
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By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO (Reuters) - The discovery of a "frogamander," a 290
million-year-old fossil that links modern frogs and salamanders, may
resolve a longstanding debate about amphibian ancestry, Canadian
scientists said on Wednesday.

Modern amphibians -- frogs, salamanders and earthworm-like caecilians
-- have been a bit slippery about divulging their evolutionary
ancestry. Gaps in the fossil record showing the transformation of one
form into another have led to a lot of scientific debate.

The fossil Gerobatrachus hottoni or elderly frog, described in the
journal Nature, may help set the record straight.

"It's a missing link that falls right between where the fossil record
of the extinct form and the fossil record for the modern form begins,"
said Jason Anderson of the University of Calgary, who led the study.

"It's a perfect little frogamander," he said.

Gerobatrachus has a mixture of frog and salamander features, with
fused ankle bones as seen only in salamanders, a wide, frog-like
skull, and a backbone that resembles a mix of the two.

The fossil suggests that modern amphibians may have come from two
groups, with frogs and salamanders related to an ancient amphibian
known as a temnospondyl, and worm-like caecilians more closely related
to the lepospondyls, another group of ancient amphibians.

"Frogs and salamanders share a common ancestor that is fairly removed
from the origin of caecilians," Anderson said. 

Gerobatrachus hottoni was discovered in Texas in 1995 by a group from
the Smithsonian Institution that included the late Nicholas Hotton,
for whom the fossil is named.

Anderson's team painstakingly removed layers of rock to reveal the
anatomy of the skeleton.

"The fossil itself is almost perfectly complete," Anderson said.

"It died on its back. Its legs and arms were curled up on its belly
and it's that part that weathered away."

While scientific opinion moves slowly, Anderson thinks the find will
confirm the prevailing opinion that frogs and salamanders share a more
modern ancestor.

"I think they (scientists) will be very happy with this as a
resolution," he said.

(Editing by Maggie Fox)


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