Sigana margi dina organismeu nu baranahan ku cara aseksual teh aya mekanismeu 
mutasi kanggo nyiptakeun keberagaman nu janten mekanismeu pertahanan kanggo 
mayunan parasit tea......oge mayunan kompetisi sareng makhluk nu sanesna. 
Meureun deui wae.


From: kumincir <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 21:19:13
Subject: Re: [Baraya_Sunda] sex vs parasit?

masalahna, naha nepi ka kiwari organismeu nu baranahanana ku meulah maneh teh 
bet aya keneh wae? naha bet teu kabeh robah jadi baranahan seksual?

2009/7/7 Rahman

Like Sex? Thank a Parasite
>By LiveScience Staff
>posted: 06 July 2009 06:00 pm ET
>Buzz up!
>See, the bad thing about reproduction sans sex is you make clones, and clones, 
>and more clones. Every organism has the same DNA, other than mutations that 
>occur over time. If a parasite figures out how to exploit a vulnerability, the 
>entire species can be doomed.
>But with good ol' sex comes unique combinations of DNA and genetically unique 
>individuals. A parasite may kill many, but it's likely that some organisms 
>won't be vulnerable and the species will live on.

kumincir.blogspot. com

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