I'm trying to have barebox working on my mini2440. After many test,
today i got a jtag interface and after some check i found this:

- source s3c24x0_nand_boot -
2: ldr sp, =(TEXT_BASE - SZ_2M) /* Setup a temporary stack in SDRAM */
 * We still run at a location we are not linked to. But lets still running
 * from the internal SRAM, this may speed up the boot
push {lr}
bl nand_boot
pop {lr}
 * Adjust the return address to the correct address in SDRAM
ldr r1, =(TEXT_BASE - SZ_2M)
add lr, lr, r1

mov pc, lr

- compiled s3c24x0_nand_boot -
ROM:00000320 loc_320                                 ; CODE XREF:
ROM:00000320                 MOV             SP, #0x33C00000
ROM:00000324                 STMFD           SP!, {LR}
ROM:00000328                 BL              nand_boot
ROM:0000032C                 LDMFD           SP!, {LR}
ROM:00000330                 MOV             R1, #0x33C00000
ROM:00000334                 ADD             LR, LR, R1

- source nand_boot -
void __nand_boot_init nand_boot(void)
void *dest = _text;
int size = ld_var(_barebox_image_size);
int page = 0;

s3c24x0_nand_load_image(dest, size, page);

- compiled nand_boot-
ROM:000001E0                 MOV             R1, R0                  // size
ROM:000001E4                 LDR             R0, =0x33E00000 // *dest
ROM:000001E8                 MOV             R2, #0
ROM:000001EC                 LDMFD           SP!, {R4,LR}
ROM:000001F0                 B               s3c24x0_nand_load_image

0x33c00000 is the sdram stack where the program should be copied from
nand. Unfortunately the function nand_boot copy from nand to sdram

When s3c24x0_nand_boot try to jump in sdram, use  a wrong address
(0x33c00220 instead 0x33e00220).

I don't know if the problem is in "TEXT_BASE - SZ_2M" or "_text".

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