Hi all,

I'm trying to verify the signature of a FIT image in barebox. 

I created the FIT image with the following .its file:

configurations {
        default = "config@1";
        config@1 {
            description = "Boot Raspian kernel";
            kernel = "kernel";
            fdt = "fdt-1";
            signature@1 {
                algo = "sha256,rsa2048";
                key-name-hint = "dev";
                sign-images = "fdt", "kernel";

Verifying the Hashes for the kernel and fdt-1 works fine ("hash OK" for both 
images) , but when I try to verify the signature I get the follwoing error:

ERROR: FIT: hashed-strings start not found in 

I could follow the error back to the fit_verify_signature function in 
/common/image-fit.c file, but I don't understand what is causing the error.

Is the function looking for a string called "hashed-strings" in the FIT image 
file? I checked the .fit file (with hexdump) and I could only find the string 
"hash@1" which barebox uses to verify the signature.

Best regards


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