
I'm using Bareos 17.2 with the following pool, and device configuration:

Pool {
  Name = tape_automated
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  #Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  RecyclePool = Scratch
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 0
  Job Retention = 365 days
  Volume Retention = 4 weeks
  Volume Use Duration = 12 days
  Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"
  Catalog Files = yes
  Storage = delaunay_HP_G2_Autochanger #virtualfull test
#  Next Pool = tape_automated

Device {
  Name = "Ultrium920"
  Media Type = LTO
  Archive Device = /dev/st1
  Autochanger = yes
  LabelMedia = no
  AutomaticMount = yes
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  RemovableMedia = yes
  Maximum Spool Size = 50G
  Spool Directory = /var/lib/bareos/spool
  Maximum Block Size = 2097152
#  Maximum Block Size = 4194304
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
  Maximum File Size = 50G
  Alert Command = "/bin/bash -c '/usr/sbin/smartctl -H -l error %c'"

I'm closely monitoring tape performance (write speed + capacity marked as full 
by bareos), and all tapes are losing capacity, and write speed, in an almost 
linear way.

Over the period of roughly 8 months (I installed bareos early this year) and 3 
to 4 write cycles per tape (=every 2 months a tape is rewritten), I've lost on 
average 25% of the initial capacity per tape. E.g. some tapes started at 
~400GB, and are now somewhere at 300GB. some started at 160GB, and are now 
somewhere around 120GB.

Write-speed wise, I also lose speed: The fastest tapes (most often also the 
tapes which have the highest capacity) started out at 50MB/s, and are now 
somewhere at 42MB/s. The worst tapes are somewhere between 20MB/s, and are now 
at 16MB/s.

Because most of the tapes were second-hand (we got tape drive, controller, 
autoloader, and tapes as a gift, as our NGO doesn't have any money), I blamed 
the bad state of tapes (I verify volume to catalog after each job, I assume I'm 
still fine. Also there are no tape alerts).
But in the course of this year, I also introduced some brand new (never 
written) tapes. And they are also losing capacity, and write speed to the same 

Hardware compression, (software) encryption, and software compression is all ON 
since the very beginning (so no configuration change). And I don't think this 
can be relevant, because tapes are losing capacity over time, whether they 
started off at ~406GB (new) or 160GB (used, and initial bad condition). It also 
doesn't depend what I back up (everything is encrypted anyway, so compression 
shouldn't work at all at the drive's side).

I don't know the logic how bareos recognises that a tape is full, so I thought 
I give it a try to fill some tapes with zero/urandom to "realign" it. I could 
fully write to those tapes (=400GB). But bareos continued to only partly use 
them as before. I then tried to fill the tapes up with btape speed, but the 
same problem persists when using the tape again in bareos.

Tape backups typically have job logs like:
Connecting to Director localhost:9101
1000 OK: pavlov-dir Version: 17.2.4 (21 Sep 2017)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
list joblog jobid=7665
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
 2018-08-18 06:37:51 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Start Backup JobId 7665, 
 2018-08-18 06:37:52 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Using Device "Ultrium920" to write.
 2018-08-18 06:37:53 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 2, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 06:40:22 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load 
slot 1, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 06:41:06 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, 
drive 0", status is OK.
 2018-08-18 06:41:15 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Volume "XM2705L3" previously 
written, moving to end of data.
 2018-08-18 06:41:33 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Ready to append to end of Volume 
"XM2705L3" at file=5.
 2018-08-18 06:41:33 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data ...
 2018-08-18 08:37:57 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,320 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 08:37:57 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,320 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 09:00:05 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:22:08, Transfer rate = 40.42 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 09:00:07 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 10:44:19 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,344 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 10:44:19 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,344 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 10:45:33 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of Volume "XM2705L3" at 6:1173 
on device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1). Write of 2097152 bytes got -1.
 2018-08-18 10:45:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Re-read of last block succeeded.
 2018-08-18 10:45:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of medium on Volume "XM2705L3" 
Bytes=309,278,560,256 Blocks=147,476 at 18-Aug-2018 10:45.
 2018-08-18 10:45:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 1, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 10:46:50 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2770L3"
 2018-08-18 10:46:50 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Using Volume "XM2770L3" from 
'Scratch' pool.
 2018-08-18 10:46:51 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load 
slot 5, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 10:47:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 5, 
drive 0", status is OK.
 2018-08-18 10:47:49 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2770L3" on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1), all previous data lost.
 2018-08-18 10:47:50 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: New volume "XM2770L3" mounted on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1) at 18-Aug-2018 10:47.
 2018-08-18 11:11:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:25:28, Transfer rate = 35.13 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 11:11:58 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 12:58:27 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,289 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 12:58:27 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,289 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 13:23:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:25:28, Transfer rate = 35.13 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 13:23:57 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 14:52:01 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,336 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 14:52:01 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,336 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 15:17:47 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:25:46, Transfer rate = 34.72 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 15:17:49 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 16:21:42 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,230 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 16:21:42 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,230 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 16:47:32 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:25:50, Transfer rate = 34.63 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 16:47:35 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 18:26:24 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,144 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 18:26:24 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,144 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 18:50:01 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of Volume "XM2770L3" at 
4:22775 on device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1). Write of 2097152 bytes got -1.
 2018-08-18 18:50:09 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Re-read of last block succeeded.
 2018-08-18 18:50:09 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of medium on Volume "XM2770L3" 
Bytes=262,502,677,504 Blocks=125,171 at 18-Aug-2018 18:50.
 2018-08-18 18:50:09 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 5, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 18:51:18 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2728L3"
 2018-08-18 18:51:18 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Using Volume "XM2728L3" from 
'Scratch' pool.
 2018-08-18 18:51:18 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load 
slot 4, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-18 18:52:04 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 4, 
drive 0", status is OK.
 2018-08-18 18:52:12 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2728L3" on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1), all previous data lost.
 2018-08-18 18:52:12 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: New volume "XM2728L3" mounted on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1) at 18-Aug-2018 18:52.
 2018-08-18 18:57:40 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:29:13, Transfer rate = 30.62 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 18:57:42 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 19:59:13 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,208 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 19:59:13 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,208 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 20:43:39 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:44:26, Transfer rate = 20.13 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 20:43:40 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 21:53:28 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,301 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 21:53:28 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,301 bytes ...
 2018-08-18 22:42:09 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:48:41, Transfer rate = 18.37 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-18 22:42:11 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-18 23:45:18 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,192 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-18 23:45:18 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,192 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 00:27:46 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of Volume "XM2728L3" at 
2:22093 on device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1). Write of 2097152 bytes got -1.
 2018-08-19 00:27:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Re-read of last block succeeded.
 2018-08-19 00:27:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of medium on Volume "XM2728L3" 
Bytes=153,702,431,744 Blocks=73,291 at 19-Aug-2018 00:27.
 2018-08-19 00:27:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 4, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-19 00:29:01 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2589L3"
 2018-08-19 00:29:01 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Using Volume "XM2589L3" from 
'Scratch' pool.
 2018-08-19 00:29:02 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load 
slot 3, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-19 00:29:44 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 3, 
drive 0", status is OK.
 2018-08-19 00:29:52 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2589L3" on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1), all previous data lost.
 2018-08-19 00:29:52 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: New volume "XM2589L3" mounted on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1) at 19-Aug-2018 00:29.
 2018-08-19 00:34:05 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:46:51, Transfer rate = 19.09 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 00:34:07 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 02:15:45 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,168 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 02:15:45 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,168 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 02:35:57 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:12, Transfer rate = 44.29 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 02:35:59 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 03:48:39 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,243 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 03:48:39 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,243 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 04:08:50 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:11, Transfer rate = 44.33 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 04:08:52 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 05:16:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,254 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 05:16:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,254 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 05:37:11 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:16, Transfer rate = 44.15 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 05:37:14 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 07:02:12 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,145 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 07:02:12 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,145 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 07:22:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:29, Transfer rate = 43.68 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 07:22:43 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 08:42:50 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,171 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 08:42:50 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,171 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 09:03:20 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:30, Transfer rate = 43.64 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 09:03:21 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 11:04:53 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,398,236 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
 2018-08-19 11:04:53 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 53,687,398,236 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 11:25:02 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:20:09, Transfer rate = 44.40 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 11:25:04 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Spooling data again ...
 2018-08-19 13:09:41 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Committing spooled data to Volume 
"XM2589L3". Despooling 48,362,707,754 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 13:21:48 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of Volume "XM2589L3" at 
6:21058 on device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1). Write of 2097152 bytes got -1.
 2018-08-19 13:21:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Re-read of last block succeeded.
 2018-08-19 13:21:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: End of medium on Volume "XM2589L3" 
Bytes=366,271,855,616 Blocks=174,652 at 19-Aug-2018 13:21.
 2018-08-19 13:21:55 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 3, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-19 13:23:02 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2753L3"
 2018-08-19 13:23:02 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Using Volume "XM2753L3" from 
'Scratch' pool.
 2018-08-19 13:23:03 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load 
slot 6, drive 0" command.
 2018-08-19 13:23:48 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, 
drive 0", status is OK.
 2018-08-19 13:23:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Recycled volume "XM2753L3" on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1), all previous data lost.
 2018-08-19 13:23:56 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: New volume "XM2753L3" mounted on 
device "Ultrium920" (/dev/st1) at 19-Aug-2018 13:23.
 2018-08-19 13:29:30 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Despooling elapsed time = 
00:17:48, Transfer rate = 45.28 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 13:29:31 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Elapsed time=30:39:49, Transfer 
rate=7.726 M Bytes/second
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: smartctl 6.5 2016-01-24 
r4214 [x86_64-linux-4.4.0-128-generic] (local build)
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: Copyright (C) 2002-16, 
Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: 
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: === START OF READ SMART 
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: TapeAlert: OK
 2018-08-19 13:29:37 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: Error Counter logging not 
 2018-08-19 13:29:38 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: 
 2018-08-19 13:29:38 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: Last n error events log page
 2018-08-19 13:29:38 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Alert: 
 2018-08-19 13:29:38 delaunay-sd JobId 7665: Sending spooled attrs to the 
Director. Despooling 546,349 bytes ...
 2018-08-19 13:29:41 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: sql_create.c:872 Insert of 
attributes batch table done
 2018-08-19 13:29:42 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: Bareos pavlov-dir 17.2.4 (21Sep17):
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  JobId:                  7665
  Job:                    edite_backup_automated.2018-08-18_05.30.00_34
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "edite-fd" 17.2.4 (21Sep17) 
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,ubuntu,Ubuntu 14.04 LTS,xUbuntu_14.04,x86_64
  FileSet:                "edite_backup_automated" 2017-11-09 17:30:00
  Pool:                   "tape_automated" (From Job FullPool override)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "delaunay_HP_G2_Autochanger" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         18-Aug-2018 05:30:00
  Start time:             18-Aug-2018 06:37:53
  End time:               19-Aug-2018 13:29:41
  Elapsed time:           1 day 6 hours 51 mins 48 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1,477
  SD Files Written:       1,477
  FD Bytes Written:       852,961,750,064 (852.9 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       852,962,743,625 (852.9 GB)
  Rate:                   7676.9 KB/s
  Software Compression:   52.7 % (lz4hc)
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             yes
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         XM2705L3|XM2770L3|XM2728L3|XM2589L3|XM2753L3
  Volume Session Id:      48
  Volume Session Time:    1533895587
  Last Volume Bytes:      15,015,682,048 (15.01 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

 2018-08-19 13:29:42 pavlov-dir JobId 7665: shell command: run AfterJob 
"/bin/bash -c '/bin/echo "run edite_backup_automated_v yes" | bconsole 
You have messages.

Does anybody have an explanation or solution to that problem?

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