
I am right now in a configuration phase of a Bareos system with an 
Autoloader + 2 LTO-8 drives (attached over SAS,hardware compression 
Enabled) using LTO-8 Type M tapes.
i made a d2d2t test using data spooling and tested the system with a backup 
set of 9.7TB/778,294 files.
I am wondering about the spooling speed - it took me 18 hours to spool this 
nearly 10 TB of files, 
during that time - while spooling - the bareos-client used only one core 
nearly 100% all the time an i hat a throughput of about 1,3-1,4 GBit/Sek 
aka 153,61 MB/s.

So - ist this the top speed i can accomplish?

I thought maybey the usage of only one Thread/Core on the client could be 
the thing that slows me down - if this ist true - how to use more than one 

Is there something else that i could do to speed up?
Is maybe the MD5 calculation the bottleneck?

Thanks for any idea/help!

...and btw i got also this two warnings although the whole process finaly 
"bareos-sd JobId 95: Error: backends/generic_tape_device.cc:146 Unable to 
open device "lto8-0" (/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-35000e111c23a90b5-nst): ERR=No 
medium found" ?!?!
"bareos-sd JobId 95: 3997 Bad alert command: sh -c 'tapeinfo -f 
/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-35000e111c23a90b8 | grep TapeAlert': ERR=Child exited 
with code 1." ??!?!?

*Bareos Server: Dual Xeon E5-2697 v2 (24Cores,48 Threads); 128GB Memory; 
SSD for boot, system, DB; 
Spooldrive: Hardware RAID-5  (writecache enabled) out of 12x12TB Seagate 
Exos x14, Intel 10 GBit Network conncetion
Ubuntu 18.04.2; Bareos 18.2.5; PostgreSQL version 10.10 

*Autoloader with 160 Slots, Barcode reader, filled with LTO-7 Tapes labeled 
and initialized als LTO-8 Type M, 2 IMB LTO-8 drives (attached over SAS, 
hardware compression Enabled)

*Testclient: Dual Xeon CPU E5-2603 v4 (12 Cores,12 Threads), 64GByre 
Memory, SSD boot, system; 
Datadrive to backup is on a hardware RAID 6 (writecache enabled) out of 12 
SATA III WD 3,5" 7.2k (512e) drives. Intel 10 GBit Network conncetion 
Debian 9.7 Stretch

Installed the System, optimized PostgreSQL according to pgtune 
(https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua), labeling and initializing worked; 

Benchmarks shows that all harddrives are quiet fast anf should be way 
faster than the above speed!
The 10Gbit Connection brings with iperf 9.4 GBits/s

Autochanger {
  Name = "neoxl80"
  Changer Device =  /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-35000e111c23a90b8
  Device = lto8-0, lto8-1
  Changer Command = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

Device {
    Name = "lto8-0"
    DeviceType = Tape
    DriveIndex = 0
    ArchiveDevice = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-35000e111c23a90b5-nst
    MediaType = LTO-8
    Check Labels = yes
    AutoChanger = yes                       # default: no
    AutomaticMount = yes                    # default: no
    Maximum File Size = 50GB                # default: 1000000000 (1GB)
    Always Open = yes
    Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c | grep TapeAlert'"
    Removable Media = yes                   # Media can be removed from the 
device - like tapes    
    Random Access = no
    Spool Directory = /120TB/bareosspool
    Maximum Spool Size = 1109951162777600   # 100TB 

Device {
    Name = "lto8-1"
    DeviceType = Tape
    DriveIndex = 1
    ArchiveDevice = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-35000e111c23a90bf-nst
    MediaType = LTO-8
    Check Labels = yes
    AutoChanger = yes                       # default: no
    AutomaticMount = yes                    # default: no
    Maximum File Size = 50GB                # default: 1000000000 (1GB)
    Always Open = yes
    Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c | grep TapeAlert'"
    Removable Media = yes                   # Media can be removed from the 
device - like tapes
    Random Access = no
    Spool Directory = /120TB/bareosspool
    Maximum Spool Size = 1109951162777600   # 100TB 

Client {
  Name = demeter
  Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  Password = xxx

Director {                            
  Name = bareos-dir
  QueryFile = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/query.sql"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  Password = "xxxxxxxxxx"         # Console password
  Messages = Daemon
  Auditing = yes
  Optimize For Speed = yes

FileSet {
  Name = "FSetDemeterSharedfolders"
  Description = "Backup all regular filesystems, determined by filesystem 
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5 # calculate md5 checksum per file
      One FS = No     # change into other filessytems
      FS Type = btrfs
      FS Type = ext2  # filesystems of given types will be backed up
      FS Type = ext3  # others will be ignored
      FS Type = ext4
      FS Type = reiserfs
      FS Type = jfs
      FS Type = xfs
      FS Type = zfs
            # noatime - if supported by the OS, the read time won't be 
            # this would generate a bunch of writes for no reason on the 
client machine.
      noatime = yes
    File = /sharedfolders # Datafolder on Demeter
  # Things that usually have to be excluded
  # You have to exclude /var/lib/bareos/storage
  # on your bareos server
  Exclude {
    File = /var/lib/bareos
    File = /var/lib/bareos/storage
    File = /proc
    File = /tmp
    File = /var/tmp
    File = /.journal
    File = /.fsck

Job {
  Name = "DemeterTestJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full                
  Client = "demeter"
  FileSet = "FSetDemeterSharedfolders"
  Storage = "Tape"
  Pool = "Archiv2d-2"  #2days pool :)
  Messages = "Standard"
  Spool Data = yes

Pool {
  Name = Archiv2d-2
  Pool Type = Backup  
  Recycle = yes                           # Bareos can automatically 
recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Recycle Pool = Scratch
  Scratch Pool = Scratch
  Maximum Block Size = 1048576
  Volume Retention = 2 days
# Maximum Volume Bytes = 15 TB           # Limit Volume size to something 
  Maximum Volumes = 100  

Storage {
  Name = Tape
  Address = lemgol                # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here 
(do not use "localhost" here).
  Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  Device = neoxl80
  Media Type = LTO-8
  Auto Changer = yes

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