Hello Bareos Team,

I have a problem with a 18.2 director. When I start a bconsole, type "restore" and any other option like "9", the bconsole crashes and ends without any error message.

When I start the director in foreground and with debug 400, I get the following output:

mq-bareos01 (100): lib/bsock.cc:81-0 Construct BareosSocket
mq-bareos01 (100): include/jcr.h:320-0 Construct JobControlRecord
mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:57-0 Construct TlsOpenSslPrivate mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:536-0 Set tcp filedescriptor: <6> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:482-0 Set ca_certfile: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:488-0 Set ca_certdir: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:494-0 Set crlfile_: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:500-0 Set certfile_: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:506-0 Set keyfile_: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:518-0 Set pem_userdata to address: <0> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:524-0 Set dhfile_: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:542-0 Set cipherlist: <> mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:530-0 Set Verify Peer: <false> mq-bareos01 (50): lib/tls_openssl.cc:100-0 Preparing TLS_PSK SERVER callback mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:401-0 psk_server_cb. identitiy: R_CONSOLE *UserAgent*. mq-bareos01 (100): lib/tls_openssl_private.cc:426-0 psk_server_cb. result: 32.
mq-bareos01 (50): lib/bnet.cc:150-0 TLS server negotiation established.
mq-bareos01 (110): dird/socket_server.cc:109-0 Conn: Hello *UserAgent* calling version 18.2.5
mq-bareos01 (100): include/jcr.h:320-0 Construct JobControlRecord
mq-bareos01 (100): dird/storage.cc:157-0 write_storage_list=mq-bareos01
mq-bareos01 (100): dird/storage.cc:166-0 write_storage=mq-bareos01 where=Job resource mq-bareos01 (100): dird/job.cc:1519-0 JobId=0 created Job=-Console-.2020-02-28_10.45.52_03 mq-bareos01 (50): lib/cram_md5.cc:69-0 send: auth cram-md5 <382897422.1582883152@mq-bareos01> ssl=1 mq-bareos01 (100): lib/cram_md5.cc:116-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5 <710744962.1582883152@bconsole> ssl=1 mq-bareos01 (99): lib/cram_md5.cc:135-0 sending resp to challenge: pT5rHH+hw9+rG4k765/oyB mq-bareos01 (10): dird/ua_audit.cc:146-0 : Console [default] from [] cmdline restore
mq-bareos01 (100): dird/ua_db.cc:155-0 UA Open database
mq-bareos01 (100): cats/sql_pooling.cc:61-0 DbSqlGetNonPooledConnection allocating 1 new non pooled database connection to database bareos, backend type postgresql mq-bareos01 (100): cats/cats_backends.cc:81-0 db_init_database: Trying to find mapping of given interfacename postgresql to mapping interfacename dbi, partly_compare = true mq-bareos01 (100): cats/cats_backends.cc:81-0 db_init_database: Trying to find mapping of given interfacename postgresql to mapping interfacename mysql, partly_compare = false mq-bareos01 (100): cats/cats_backends.cc:81-0 db_init_database: Trying to find mapping of given interfacename postgresql to mapping interfacename postgresql, partly_compare = false
mq-bareos01 (100): cats/postgresql.cc:1255-0 db_init_database first time
mq-bareos01 (50): cats/postgresql.cc:247-0 pg_real_connect done
mq-bareos01 (50): cats/postgresql.cc:249-0 db_user=bareos db_name=bareos db_password=EpfEYTG5k3bS
mq-bareos01 (150): dird/ua_db.cc:188-0 DB bareos opened
mq-bareos01 (100): cats/sql_query.cc:96-0 called: void BareosDb::FillQueryVaList(PoolMem&, BareosDbQueryEnum::SQL_QUERY_ENUM, __va_list_tag*) with query name uar_del_temp (17) mq-bareos01 (100): cats/sql_query.cc:102-0 called: void BareosDb::FillQueryVaList(PoolMem&, BareosDbQueryEnum::SQL_QUERY_ENUM, __va_list_tag*) query is now DROP TABLE temp mq-bareos01 (100): cats/sql_query.cc:124-0 called: bool BareosDb::SqlQuery(const char*, int) with query DROP TABLE temp mq-bareos01 (50): cats/postgresql.cc:687-0 Result status fatal: DROP TABLE temp mq-bareos01 (10): cats/postgresql.cc:692-0 ERROR TERMINATION: Fatal database error
mq-bareos01: ERROR TERMINATION at cats/postgresql.cc:692
Fatal database error

I've had a look at the postgres database, there is no table "temp".

Can you give me a hint?

Thank you,
Marcus Wagner

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