
I'm experiencing a very odd bareos-dir config error which I don't understand so I'm hoping someone has inspiration:

From systemctl I get:

   Jun 25 15:15:01 helva bareos-dir[100498]: bareos-dir: CONFIG ERROR
   at dird/inc_conf.cc:977
   Jun 25 15:15:01 helva bareos-dir[100498]: Config error: Keyword
   FileSet not permitted in this resource
   Jun 25 15:15:01 helva bareos-dir[100498]:             : line 6, col
   8 of file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/fileset/GreyareaDNSSystem.conf
   Jun 25 15:15:01 helva bareos-dir[100498]: FileSet {
   Jun 25 15:15:01 helva systemd[1]: bareos-director.service: Main
   process exited, code=exited, status=42/n/a

The file mentioned is completely unexceptional, and if I remove it, the same error happens to the next file in the directory.

   # Fileset for backup of: Greyarea-nvr

   FileSet {
      Name = "GreyareaDNSSystem"

      Include {
        Options {
          signature = SHA1
          sparse = yes
          compression = LZ4
          wilddir = /home/*/.gvfs
        File = /
        File = /boot
        File = /var

Other files in the fileset directory include:

   BareosCatalog.conf, Bareos.conf, Catalog.conf,
   GreyareaDNSHome.conf, GreyareaDNSSystem.conf,
   Greyarea-git Gogs.conf, Greyarea-git Home.conf,
   Greyarea-git Repositories.conf, GreyareaHome.conf,
   GreyareaNVRHome.conf, GreyareaNVRSystem.conf,
   Greyarea-post Home.conf,

When I try the debug option ("bareos-dir -d2000") things proceed as expected until:

   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOB
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:173-0 BCT_EOB =>
   define new resource
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf.cc:284-0 Inserting FileSet res:
   Greyarea-git Home index=7
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=1
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=2 #
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=3 # Fileset for backup
   of: Greyarea-git
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=4 #
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=5
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=6 FileSet {
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=0
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_IDENTIFIER
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0 Item=Name
   def=no defval=None
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0
   Item=Description def=no defval=None
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0 Item=Include
   def=no defval=None
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0 Item=Exclude
   def=no defval=None
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0
   Item=IgnoreFileSetChanges def=yes defval=false
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_init_resource.cc:55-0
   Item=EnableVSS def=yes defval=true
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_BOB
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=7   Name =
   "Greyarea-git Gogs"
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_IDENTIFIER
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:130-0 in BCT_IDENT
   got token=BCT_EQUALS
   bareos-dir (800): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:145-0 calling
   handler for Name
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=8
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_EOL
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=9   Include {
   bareos-dir (900): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:55-0 parse state=1
   parser_pass_number_=1 got token=BCT_IDENTIFIER
   bareos-dir (800): lib/parse_conf_state_machine.cc:145-0 calling
   handler for Include
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=10     Options {
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=11       signature = SHA1
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:444-0 Catopts=S option=S optlen=100
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:673-0 new pass=1 incexe opts=S
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=12       compression = LZ4
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:444-0 Catopts=Zf4 option=Zf4
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:673-0 new pass=1 incexe opts=SZf4
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=13       sparse = yes
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:444-0 Catopts=s option=s optlen=100
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:673-0 new pass=1 incexe opts=SZf4s
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=14     }
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:709-0 setting default value for
   keyword-id=10, H
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:709-0 setting default value for
   keyword-id=17, A
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:709-0 setting default value for
   keyword-id=25, X
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=15     File =
   bareos-dir (900): dird/inc_conf.cc:842-0 Add to name_list
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=16     File = /home/git
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=17   }
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=18 }
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=19
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=1
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=2 #
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=3 # Fileset for backup
   of: Greyarea-nvr
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=4 #
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=5 #
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=6
   bareos-dir (1000): lib/lex.cc:355-0 fget line=7 FileSet {
   bareos-dir (10): dird/inc_conf.cc:982-0 CONFIG ERROR: Config error:
   Keyword FileSet not permitted in this resource
                : line 7, col 8 of file
   FileSet {

   bareos-dir (850): lib/message.cc:618-0 Enter DispatchMessage type=18
   msg=bareos-dir: CONFIG ERROR at dird/inc_conf.cc:982
   Config error: Keyword FileSet not permitted in this resource
                : line 7, col 8 of file
   FileSet {

   bareos-dir: CONFIG ERROR at dird/inc_conf.cc:982
   Config error: Keyword FileSet not permitted in this resource
                : line 7, col 8 of file
   FileSet {

Just in case, I have also recompiled bareos from git sources:

     $  mkdir bareos-release; cd bareos-release
     $  curl -OL <broadcom vmware vixlib download url> ‡
     $  tar xfz VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-22388865.x86_64.tar.gz
     $  export
     $  export VIXDISKLIB_LIBRARIES=$PWD/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib/lib64
     $  export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck
     $  git clone https://github.com/bareos/bareos.git
   $  cd bareos
     $  git switch -c origin/23.99
     $  devtools/prepare_release.sh 23.99.0

   ‡ You have to register/login to broadcom and download the package
   from there.

However, the new package behaves identically to the old one (23.0.4~pre56.5de4c8180-98) so I'm no better off :(

Any ideas?


Software Manager & Engineer
Tel: 01223 414180

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