there are a lot of informations  that it is not possible to expain  in short 
here. I am going to prepare an exaustive work for the Lute Society of 
America Quarterly in matter of bass lute strings in the 18 th c. I hope to 
finish it soon.
Mozart: there is a misunderstanding here: Mozart simply wrote that strings, 
on a violine,  are all of different gauges. No more than this.
Viceversa there are a lot of informations in matter of G wound strings in 
mid-/end 18th c. Germany (Mejer, Lholein, Quantz etc).
D minor with extended neks: they are arround 100 cms or so; with this 
vibrating string length it is easy to show that thay employ the same 6th. 
7th. 8th bass strings that will became 9th. 10th, and 11th basses. There is 
no matter to consider that, in the contrary of all the plucked instruments 
of that time (mandolino, guitarre etc) lute do not employed wonud strings. 
The theory of loading of gut work, in my opinion, just since end 17th c. or 
just a bit more.

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