Dear all,

we know that German lutenists  in the 18th century like Weiss an Baron played 
continuo on their theorbos in d-minor tuning too (cf. Ernst Gottlieb Baron, 
"Historisch-Theoretisch und Practische Untersuchung des Instruments der 
Lauten", Nürnberg 1727 p. 131, who also wrote that their theorbos had double 
courses on the fingerboard, not with the basses). When using really big 
theorbos with a greater string length, e.g. 76 cm and more, not  theorboed 
baroque lutes, I think they had to use a re-entrant tunig with at least the 
first course tunend in a lower octave.

What do we know about the tuning of d-minor theorbos, which sources do exist?



Dr. Henner Kahlert
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Tel. 0721-403353

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