        According to Joel Dugot, Musique Fran=C3=A7aise pour luth au XVII 
SFL, 1987) there seem to be two Gallots who published tablatures, Le  
Vieux Gallot, whose tablatures seem to be in the Leipzig museum, the  
only ones signed -<<vieux Gallot->> (but that is not always a proof, see  
the problem with associating tablatures to the various Gaultiers, by John H  
and Jacques Gallot (possibly his nephew, also called "le jeune"), who  
was the author of "Pi=C3=A8ces de luth" published after 1684 (see  
introduction to this, facsimile, published by Minkoff, Geneva, 1978).

However, here at 
gallot_jacques.html, there is no such distinction made, but you can  
see that the Leipzig texts are the only ones signed -<<vieux Gallot de  

  Gallot Jacques
a Euro ! vers 1690

a Euro ! Paris, vers 1690. Luthiste et compositeur, fr=C3=A8re d'Alexandre  
Gallot =C3=A9galement musicien. On le conna=C3=AEt sous le noms de -<<vieux  
Gallot de Paris->>. Il est un =C3=A9l=C3=A8ve d'Ennemond Gaultier. Il a  
publi=C3=A9 =C3! Paris des Pi=C3=A8ces de luth compos=C3=A9es sur differens 
introduites par un bref trait=C3=A9 sur l'instrument. Les pi=C3=A8ces sont  
organis=C3=A9es par tonalit=C3=A9 et des menuets sont interpol=C3=A9s. Ses  
compositions comprennent des portraits musicaux : La Fontange, La  
Montespan etc. et des tombeaux (Turenne, Cond=C3=A9, Madame).
Le manuscrit II 614, Musikbibliothek Leipzig, contient des pi=C3=A8ces  
sign=C3=A9es -<<vieux Gallot->>. On trouve quelques pi=C3=A8ces sign=C3=A9es  
-<<Gallot->> dans une s=C3=A9rie d'autres manuscrits : Biblioth=C3=A8que  
nationale de France ; Biblioth=C3=A8que municipale de Besan=C3=A7on ; Bodleian  
Library Oxford ; Carl Dolmetsch Library, Haslemere ;  
Benediktinerstift, G=C3=B6ttweig (Autriche) ; Benediktinerstift  
Kremsm=C31/4nster (Autriche) ; Nationalbibliothek, Wien (Autriche) ;  
Hudebn=C3=AD odd=C4=9Bnlun=C3=AD Universitn=C3=AD knihovny, Praha 
(Biblioth=C3=A8que de  
l'Universit=C3=A9, d=C3=A9partement de la musique) ; L=C3=A4roverksbiblioteket, 
Kalmar (Su=C3=A8de).

*  Pieces de Luth Composees sur differens Modes par J. G. Auec les  
folies d'Espagnes Enrichies de plusieurs beaux couplets dediees a  
Mgn. le Comte Destree Viceadmiral de France (Paris sans date)

Le 27 d=C3=A9c. 07 =C3! 10:54, T. Diehl-Peshkur a =C3=A9crit :

> For the experts amongst us:
> Does anyone know if the music of Jacques de Gallot is completely  
> contained
> by the Leipzig MS, together with the Milleran and Barbe MSS?
> As far as I can see these sources should cover all or almost all of  
> his
> works, but I am not sure if that is really the case...
> Thanks in advance,
> Theo
> --
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