>> I've always wondered, to what does the title "Les Baricades
>> Mysterieueses" refer?
>> --ajn

Apparently, it could be a "précieux" reference to a lady's eye- 
lashes. Miguel Serdourq's text, says the following: ", Miguel  
Serdoura has adopted a fairly slow tempo, in order to bring out the  
“mystery” of this piece, whose title may well evoke, in the “langage  
précieux”, “the fluttering eye-lashes of a lady ” — the eye-lashes,  
those “baricades“ which protect the mysteries of the soul, while  
hiding the “treacherous mirrors” that are the eyes.
Perhaps, the eye-lashes of "la belle homicide" , who strikes with a  
flutter of her eyes, at least it could be in this area of indirect  
precieux reference to  la femme fatale.

Best wishes


> Le 28 déc. 08 à 16:19, Arthur Ness a écrit :
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Anthony Hind" <anthony.h...@noos.fr>
>> To: <baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:59 AM
>> Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] 2 Baroque Lute recordings
>> | Dear Lutenists
>> |         In the last month I have received two excellent Baroque  
>> lute
>> | CDs, that very nicely complement each other. Both contain music by
>> | Kellner, but the pieces do not overlap, and while Ed Martin's CD
>> also
>> | contains music by Conradi, in Miguel Serdoura's CD there is  
>> music by
>> | well known French lutenists, E. Gautier and J. Gallot, but also  
>> "Les
>> | Baricades Mysterieueses" by Francois Couperin. This can be  
>> played on
>> | 13c lute with little or no alteration. There are also two
>> interesting
>> | pieces by the Saint-Luc, along side two better known pieces by
>> Weiss.
>> | http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41GugCgg1pL._SS400_.jpg
>> | Extracts can be heard at
>> | http://tinyurl.com/8zlqup
>> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|
>> <<big snip>>
>> I've always wondered, to what does the title "Les Baricades
>> Mysterieueses" refer?
>> --ajn
>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html


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