"Benjamin Narvey" <luthi...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>    It's interesting you say that.  I'd be curious to know what you and
>    other people on this list think about the differences
>    (advantages/disadvantages) between rider lutes and swan neck lutes.

As far as I can see, the only proper advantage of swan-necked solo lutes
is that you can take the same strings for courses 6 to 8 as for courses
9 to 11, as Mimmo has pointed out. That is negligible, however, as these
courses last eternally (as for my confined experience).

One disadvantage clearly is that you cannot stop the courses 9 to 11 as
now and then required in solo music. 

>    I
>    think the main difference between these lute types is one of balance
>    vs. extra resonance. Very tough call.

Yes definitely. Might be good for continuo. Yet it cannot keep up with
archlutes or theorbos which I prefer for that purpose at any rate.
That's why they built those large German 14c theorbos, probably.

>    And transportation issues...I already have some problems with my 11c on
>    certain flights.  Does anyone have anything to add on this count?  I
>    think swan necks win hands down here...

Because of the reflexed pegbox, you meant to suggest? Well, either way
you need an extra seat, it's impossible to jolt a swan-neck case (or an
11c case) into one of those modern oberhead compartments. As for my 11c,
there was a friendly stewardess on my way to Prague who took it with her
into the cabin compartment. And in Turkey, everyone used to know what it
is without opening the case (as opposed to the German airports where it
was suspiciously observed).


>    I actually began playing baroque lute on a borrowed 13c rider lute, but
>    it has been so long since I've had one that I'm not sure I can still
>    trust those initial impressions. Sadly, I've never had both types
>    together to make a comparison. I must say that I like 11c lutes better
>    than 13c lutes so far

Ben, I'll treat you to a beer next time we meet, I promise.

>    but then this might be simply because these are
>    the lutes that modern makers are getting "right".
>    All best,
>    Benjamin
>      I'm one of the culprits. Or I was, that is. My first BL just had to
>      be a
>      swan-neck, it couldn't be else. It was so impressive to impress
>      other
>      people ^_^ Today, I'd love to sell it and get me a normal 13c bass
>      rider
>      lute. Swan necks don't offer proper advantages IMHO.

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