Dear Arto
          Congratulations on your new 11-course.
   I am also new to the Baroque lute, but have had my 11c 70 cm Warwick
   for just over a year, and have had time to gradually change some of my
   Unfortunately I just had a double computer failure, and I had lost much
   of my stored data, but your message has given me a chance to do a
   little detective work (old bills, etc), and I think I am now sure of
   the original values, and the changes I have made.
   In brief : On my 11c Warwick, I now use all gut by Aquila, with Meanes
   in Aquila Venices, and Basses in Aquila loaded Venices, but the Octaves
   down from g-7 are also in Aquila Venices.
   The Octaves are now slightly higher in tension (3.1Kg) than the Basses
   themselves (2.9Kg).
   I don't think this is particularly low tension, but nor is it
   particularly high.
   However, Venice string types are probably the most flexible, other than
   Charles Besnainou's "spring" strings, and in this respect behave
   similarly to low tension strings.
   I have not yet reached a stable RH position. It seems to depend on the
   angle of my fingers to the strings. The flatter they are on to the
   strings, the further back towards the bridge I seem to go.
   11c lutes do seem to have wider spacing than 13c lutes, both between
   courses and within the course, I might now have chosen a slightly
   closer spacing between courses as this does add to the stretch of a
   longish 70cm lute.
   Now, In more detail :
       From the beginning, I used the gut strings Stephen Gottlieb put on
   my lute, including the loaded Venice Basses for which I had
   specifically asked him. St G had put them on C-11 up to F-8, but then a
   Gimped Bass on G-7, and a Venice Bass on A-6. This was because he
   feared that loaded basses would stop down false; but the result was not
   as homogenous as I would have liked; so I changed these last also for
   loaded strings with no serious falseness problem and much improved
   homogeneity (not because Gimped or Venice strings are bad per se).
   St G had put HT Trebles for  Meane 4 and 5, but I changed these to
   Venice Meanes, again to improve the homogeneity with the Venice loaded
   Basses, and I predicted (I think correctly) that similar string types
   would work better together ("sympathy").
   Octaves & Diapason tension switch:
    St G had chosen 2.8Kg HT octaves with 3kg Venice loaded Basses and had
   strung my lute at 415Hz.
   I really wanted a diapason nearer 392Hz, so as to have thicker treble
   strings  (at least 0,44, rather than 0.42); but not wanting to throw
   away the loaded strings, I lowered the diapason to 407Hz (the lowest I
   could acheive with the rather slack loaded strings)
   My loaded strings then became a rather low 2.9Kg, or 2.85Kg (at 407Hz).
   But to copensate for this drop in tension at the level of the course, I
   then replaced all the octaves with values worth about 3Kg to 3.1Kg (at
   407Hz). So that from Bass at 3Kg and Octave at 2.8Kg, I now had Bass at
   2.9Kg and Octave at 3.1Kg.
   This works really well. The octaves then became the "leading" string of
   the course; but as at the same time I swapped all the Octave HTs (from
   g-7 to c-11) for Venice Meane strings (see Mace), the leading tone
   became that of the Meanes creating a beautiful homogeneity from the
   Basses through to the Meanes.
   Also, all tendency for the Octaves to buzz with the loaded basses
   I Approximate values and strings chosen by my Lute Maker:
   70 cm a'=414 Hz,
   f1)      0.42 treble gut         4Kg
   d-2     0.50 treble gut        4Kg
   a-3    0.58 treble gut         2.9Kg
   F-4    0.72 HT gut              2.9Kg
   D-5   0.86V HT gut            2.9kg
   a-6    0.56 HT treble gut           2.8Kg
   A-6    1.2 Venice Aquila          3Kg
   g-7      0.64 HT treble gut         2.8Kg  Octave
   G-7        1.32  Gimped  gut         3Kg  Gamut
   f-8      0.64 HT treble gut         2.8Kg
   F-8     1.46 Venice Aquila      3Kg
   e-9    0.76 HT treble gut         2.8Kg
   E-9    1.6C loaded Aquila      3Kg
   d-10   0.86 HT treble gut       2.8Kg
   D-10  1.8C loaded gut         3Kg
   c-11     0,96 HT treble gut       2.8Kg
   C-11  1.96C loaded gut       3Kg
   II The final values and string types adopted:
   70 cm a'=407 Hz, all Aquilla
   f1         0.44 treble gut                         (4.2Kg)
   d-2      0.52 treble gut                         (4Kg)
   A-3     0.60 treble gut x2                   3Kg
   F-4      0.76V gut (twice)                    3Kg
   D-5     0.91V gut (twice)                    3kg
   a-6      0.58 treble gut                        3 Kg
   A-6      1.24C  Venice  loaded          2.9Kg
   g-7      73V Venice  Meane gut         3kg
   G-7      140c Venice  loaded             2.9Kg
   f-8        0,82 Venice  Meane gut        3kg
   F-8       1.46C Venice  loaded            2.9Kg
   e-9        0.88 Venice  Meane gut       3K9
   E-9       1.6C Venice  loaded              2.9Kg
   d-10      97 Venice Meane gut            3Kg
   D-10     1.8C Venice  loaded gut       2.9Kg
   c-11      108 Venice Meane gut          3Kg
   C-11     1.96C Venice  loaded gut    2.9Kg
   Best wishes to you and your new lute
   Dear baroque lutenists,
   I'm starting with a new (well, used 1993 Lars Joensson) 11-course
   lute, string length 68cm . One of the problems with a new type of lute
   the tone production. And what makes it tricky is that the playing
   and string properties are connected in many ways. And when there are
   than one parameters that can be changed, it can be very time consuming
   check the many alternatives available. To make my life easier I would
   to make a poll to you, who have more or less solved this question in a
   suitable to you. So some questions:
   1) What string tensions you use? Do you use the same throughout? Or
   more to
   the 2 singles? Or less to the octaves of the basses? Or some
   2) What string materials you prefer? What materials you actually use?
   3) Do you use your right hand as for ex. Mouton in the famous painting,
   near the bridge, or nearer the rose as many of the "big names" of today
   4) Any other important issues and advice in stringing a d-m-lute,
   especially 11c.?
   Thanks in advance!


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