On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:44 PM, ziv braha <b_...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Nice list and thanks for sharing it.

Off hand, there's another concerto by Fasch, this one for two
Chaldecons (it's in in G. FWV L;G11 Dresden Sächsische
Landesbibliothek, Mus 2423-O-18). Does your definition include Dalla
Casa's Mandolin + Archlute pieces? I believe the Haydn pieces are
arrangements by someone else. Would your list include Cantata's? If so
there's BWV198 to include, and while you're at it St. John and St.
Matthew, a _long_ passion by Gebel and St. Caecilia's ode by
Handel/Mozart, but those are not chamber works, of course.


David van Ooijen

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