Let's not fall into extremities. There are other humans making music as well:
http://www.nina.gov.pl/en/node/487  -- 19 minutes

Or a short retrospection of Szymanski's music:

The text on the pages is not important.

On 2010-10-09, at 02:24, Roman Turovsky wrote:

> Arto,
> Do you REALLY want lute music to sound like
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhXNIrQJR80 this???
> RT
> From: "wikla" <wi...@cs.helsinki.fi>
>> Dear d-minor gang,
>> just for checking: is there any new music to the d-m-baroque tuning? This 
>> time I am not interested the anchronistic movement of composing "new
>> baroque music" (really sorry Roman!), neither I am interested in the
>> "ethninic" arrangements of (perhaps?) imagined folk songs (again, sorry
>> Roman).
>> So, is that wonderful instrument we adore (=tuning) going to survive
>> without new and clever music composed? I guess not.
>> Arto
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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