Dear collected wisdom,
Ånyone who knows the composer of the chaconne & the saraband  (F
major) on p 121 in Saiznay? I have the book at home and brought only a
photo-copy out in the country... Most greatful for info.
All the best

2011/7/8, Taco Walstra <>:
> On 07/08/2011 12:41 PM, wrote:
> Arto,
> This a terrific gift! Very nice that you make this available at no cost
> to the lute community. Thanks a lot.
> Taco
>> Dear baroque lutenists,
>> when there has been some major changes in my life, I thought it is
>> perhaps time for an inventory of my efforts to learn the 11-course
>> baroque lute. So I collected the music of the pieces I have sent to the
>> "tubes" as a single pdf-lutebook. Mainly the music is in facsimile form.
>> There are 85 pieces that I like a lot!
>> Basically I made the book to myself - to find out, what I really have
>> made and also to physically find the music once again...
>> But perhaps there is some joy of the book also to others?
>> I by myself might consider this as the lute book to be taken to a lonely
>> island. :-)
>> Here is the link
>> (size is about 6 M)
>> Jollas is the beautiful place in Helsinki, where I was living until
>> June. And there I have recorded all those pieces. That is why "The Lute
>> Book of Jollas", in Finnish "Jollaksen luuttukirja".
>> All the best,
>> Arto
>> To get on or off this list see list information at

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