Probably Thomas means the "In Venetiis" - this is 11-course music completely. There we have mostly really early works of Weiss and some French works also, possibly from 1712 - but the date can hardly be read.

The "Weiss a Rome" is a much later manuscript (although some of the music is very early also), probably around 1740, as there is a Tombeau by Gebel in it and also some Chorals by Falckenhagen.

Best regards

Am 26.07.2011 21:24, schrieb Bernd Haegemann:

  the entire Paris MS is for the 11-course lute. Charming stuff BTW
  Best wishes

. there are some "5"s and "6"s lurking though...

(we are talking about the "Weiss à Rome" ms, aren't we?)

best regards


  Am Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011, 18.06:44 schrieb Christopher Pearcy:

> Dear List

> As some-one who plays exclusively the French repertory, I'm now

> to explore Weiss a little. Can anyone let me know what the best

> sources for his 11c music are? I suspect that the London ms is

> one - but how much of it is for 11c lute?

> Best wishes

> Chris Pearcy


> --



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  Thomas Schall

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