Hello luters,

   Just passing this on for those who may be interested:

   LUTE/THEORBO CASES for sale: I have duplicate cases for various
   instruments of mine (some lighter, some stronger, for varying travel
   conditions) and, due to a combination conjugal pressure and the
   restraints of a small Paris flat, I have decided to put the lot on
   sale, sell the ones that go and keep the ones that don't. They are:

   - 1 ultra lightweight Japanese SOMA case for a huge theorbo (weighs
   less than a kilo). Made in 2010. Good condition. 600 Euros obo.

   - 2 ultra lightweight Japanese SOMA lute cases, one for a Renaissance
   lute, one for a rider 13c lute. Made in 2010. Perfect condition. 500
   euros each, obo.

   - 1 "sunsafe" grey Kingham case, with the extra lightweight cloth that
   they don't offer anymore (it used to cost 40% extra; this is much
   lighter than the normal lightweight material they offer on their site).
   Made in 2006. Perfect condition. 800 euros obo.

   Please get in touch at [1]luthi...@gmail.com. Cases in Paris.
   Photos/info on request.

   t [3]+33 (0) 1 44 27 03 44
   p/m [4]+33 (0) 6 71 79 98 98



   1. mailto:luthi...@gmail.com
   2. http://www.luthiste.com/
   3. tel:%2B33%20%280%29%201%2044%2027%2003%2044
   4. tel:%2B33%20%280%29%206%2071%2079%2098%2098

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