From Michele Barchi, a contemporary Italian composer-harpsichordist.

On 9/25/2012 12:11 PM, Bernd Haegemann wrote:
Am 29.09.2008 14:35, schrieb Stephan Olbertz:
Does anyone know what this exactly is?

I didn't know that we have a composition by Johann Christian Weyrauch. Meyer doesn't list
anything. Hm...

I'm just reading in an article by Alfred Dürr the following quotation from a letter by Louise Adelgunde Victorie Kulmus to her later husband J. G. Gottsched [30.5.1732]:

Die überschickten Stücke zum Clavier von Bach, und von Weyrauch zur Laute, sind eben so schwer wie sie schön sind. Wenn ich sie zehnmal gespielt habe, scheine ich mir immer noch eine Anfängerin darinnen. Von diesen beyden grossen Meistern gefällt mir alles besser als ihre Capricen; diese sind unergründlich schwer.

[The pieces you sent me - by Bach for the harpsichord and by Weyrauch for the lute - are as beautiful as they are difficult. When I have played them ten times I still feel like a beginner. Of these to great masters I like anything better than their Caprices which are unfathomably difficult.]

If she calls Weyrauch a "great master" she must have seen quite some good stuff by him, because the lady was a critic. Dürr supposes that the mentioned Clavierstücke by Bach are the "1. Teil der Clavierübung".

Did Luca Pianca answer in the meantime (4 years ;-) where he took the "Preludio" from?

Best regards

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