Many of you know or know of Stephen Barber and Sandi Harris. They had a
   fire in their workshop last Sunday. Luckily it did not destroy their
   shop and they are cleaning up and recovering. Unfortunately it left a
   mess that needs to be cleaned up and they lost some information and
   materials. Luckily they did not lose their wood stash or any
   instruments. They are looking to sell one of their recently completed
   instruments to raise funds to help cleanup. It is a Voboam baroque
   guitar. If you know of anyone that might be interested in having a
   beautiful baroque guitar please have them contact Stephen and Sandi
   through their website [1]

   Stephen, Sandi, and neighbors battled the fire and put it out
   themselves. Who knows what damage might of occurred had the fire
   department come in with a fire hose and drenched everything.

   Knowing Stephen and Sandi, and having seen pictures of the workshop
   after the fire, this will not impede their building of instruments for
   very long but it will take some funds to recover.

   I believe they would also appreciate words of encouragement and






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