Chad Matsalla wrote:
> Greetings All!
> Is there anything that I can so about this error? I'm completely stuck.
> I don't really know what a data cube is or how it could have already
> been committed.

A datacube is a representation of the data in the dynamic database that 
is used to store analysed data. It is a "cube" because it requires three 
coordinates to pinpoint data for a spot, the bioassayset, the bioassay 
and the position.

Some parts of the datacube, ie. how positions map to reporters and raw 
data, can't be modified after the creation of a datacube. I seems like 
the Base1PluginExecuter is trying to add additional reporter mappings
to an already existing data cube and that is why the error happens.

We hope to fix this in the next release (2.4.5).


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