Offord, Victoria wrote:
> I'm trying to transfer the files held in a project into an external
> system but I require the location the file is stored so that it can be
> passed into a Perl script which will copy the file. I am unable to get
> the location of the file held within the Java 'File' class because the
> method getInternalName is private and therefore is inaccessible from the
> jsp, is there a way of accessing this value from the jsp?

No. The names are internal because we want to avoid direct access to the 
files. There are several reasons:

  * It is possible that files are stored compressed.
  * We also have some ideas about making the BASE file system pluggable
    ( This would, for example, make it
    possible to use an FTP server instead of a local disk for file
  * It would allow a client application/plug-in to bypass permission
    checks so that a user that has only read permission may delete or
    overwrite the file.

If suggest that you copy the file from the JSP or a Java class. Assuming 
that you have got the File object and know the destination it should be 
as easy as

String destinationPath = ...
File baseFile = ...
OutputStream copy = new FileOutputStream(destinationPath);
FileUtil.copy(baseFile.getDownloadStream(0), copy);

The FTP Server extension mentioned in a previous post may be an option 
if you don't want to use Java, but it requires that the username and 
password is known by the application (perl script) that does the 
copying. Since BASE doesn't store passwords in clear text, this must be 
coded into the script or the user must be asked for the values. Also 
note that the FTP Server is still in beta-status and is not recommended 
for critical production use.

Another option that doesn't depend on Java is to use regular http for 
the download. The URL to access a file should be something like:

where you need to replace
  * '' with the appropriate host name of the server.
  * SESSIONID with the current user's session ID.
    Eg. SessionControl.getId();
  * /path/to/file.txt: The path to the file as seen in the BASE
    web interface. Eg. File.getPath().toString()


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