Hi Nicklas,

I agree that the query is rather complex and has to take some time to 
execute, but over 200ms? Besides, the effect that it is causing 
(extremely long experiment overview loading) is really annoying.
I had a look at db server logs and found the query:

select distinct annotation0_."id" as id1_0_0_,
                annotation6_."id" as id1_6_1_,
                annotation0_."version" as version2_0_0_,

                ... fields from annotation0_ and annotation6_ tables...

                annotation6_."projectkey_id" as projectkey19_6_1_,
                annotation6_."owner" as owner20_6_1_
from "Annotations" annotation0_
        left outer join "InheritedAnnotations" inheriting1_ on 
        left outer join "AnnotationSets" annotation2_ on 
        left outer join "AnnotationSets" annotation3_ on 
        left outer join "InheritedAnnotationSets" inheriting4_ on 
        left outer join "AnnotationSets" annotation5_ on 
        inner join "AnnotationTypes" annotation6_ on 
where annotation2_."id"=$1 or annotation5_."id"=$1 order by 
annotation6_."name" ASC

It contains 3 joins with no reason (adding AnnotationSets table 3 times, 
never using fields exclusively belonging to it). When I removed the 3 
joins (and fixed dependencies) the FROM-WHERE part looks like:

from "Annotations" annotation0_
        left outer join "InheritedAnnotations" inheriting1_ on 
        left outer join "InheritedAnnotationSets" inheriting4_ on 
        inner join "AnnotationTypes" annotation6_ on 
where inheriting1_."annotationset_id"=$1 or 
inheriting4_."annotationset_id"=$1 order by annotation6_."name" ASC

New query executes in ~5ms, so much faster. I am not sure how easy it is 
to apply the fix on the java-code level, but I guess it should be possible.

Another way for quick and easy fix is to perform two queries and merge 
results: one query for directly inherited annotations (WHERE 
inheriting1_."annotationset_id"=$1) and the other for indirectly 
inherited (WHERE inheriting4_."annotationset_id"=$1).
Each of these queries runs ~2.5ms and merging to lists in java shouldn't 
take too long either. The only problem I see could be duplicate elements 
on the merged list, but as long as annotation can't be inherited 
directly and indirectly by the same annotation set, the fix should work.

Will you consider applying the fix to one of the next releases?


Nicklas Nordborg wrote:
> Pawel Sztromwasser wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have noticed that Experiment overview is very slow for large 
>> experiments (>40 raw bioassays) with many items annotated (mainly 
>> samples). I takes over a minute for some of the experiments to load 
>> overview (or re-validate). I narrowed the issue down to this line:
>> List<Annotation> inherited = annotationQuery.list(dc);
>> in addAnnotations(..) method (ExperimentOverview.java).
>> The list(dc) method takes ~200ms to complete. It is not much, but 
>> multiplied by number of items on the way from rawbioassay down to 
>> biosource (annotations are checked for each of them) and by number of 
>> rawbioassays... it causes most of the delay.
>> Does anybody see similar problem? It is probably just a non-optimal 
>> postgres query, if experiment overview works fine on mysql dbs.
> Annotations are rather expensive in terms of database access. Each value 
> usually needs 2 separate queries to retrieve. In other words, it is not 
> unusual that it takes a lot of time.
> /Nicklas
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