Are you sure that all prerequisites are met? The plug-in configuration 
and the Base1PluginExecutor should be shared appropriately. Also, 
Virtual array works only on 2-channel data.


On 2011-03-10 17.25, Thomas Person wrote:
> Thanks!
> That change allows installation but once I atmpt to use the plugin,
> by clicking on  the "Run an Analysis Plugin" icon when looking at an
> experiment under Bioassay set, the option select the the plugin in
> the drop down menu does not appear.
> Thanks again,
> Thomas ________________________________________ From: Nicklas
> Nordborg [] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 1:11
> AM To: BASE ML Subject: Re: [base] Base 1.2 plugin - Virtual Array
> -1.1
> On 2011-03-08 22:28, Thomas Person wrote:
>> Howdy All,
>> I'm attempting to install the Virtual Array 1.1 plugin on my Base
>> 2.15 server. I get two sets of errors. ( I was able to install the
>> Center-2.1 Plugin with no error).
> Thanks for the report. I can verify that the VirtualArray plug-in
> can't be installed as is. There seems to be a bug in BASE that is
> related to the 'descr' field in the 'pluginVirtualArray.base' file.
> This file has a space instead of a tab character between the 'descr'
> and the rest of the line. Please change the space to a tab and then
> re-try the installation.
> /Nicklas
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