Hi Hans-Juergen,
I missed that point! It works perfectly now. Thanks a lot!!

> Le 19 juil. 2024 à 18:29, Hans-Juergen Rennau <hren...@yahoo.de> a écrit :
> Hi Josselin, 
> you get an error because there are elements containing several text nodes, 
> while the matches() function expects a single item. An element can contain 
> several text nodes for various reasons, as for example mixed content, which 
> is text with elements interspersed. In your case the input XML is "indented", 
> which means it contains whitespace producing the pretty print effect. This 
> whitespace is contained by text nodes, just like real data. In your example, 
> <foo> contains <bar> as well as two whitespace-only text nodes.
> The error occurs only now because BaseX 9 by default stripped the pretty 
> print text nodes, whereas now they are preserved.
> You can avoid the problem very simply by changing the "where" expression, so 
> that it checks one text node at a time, like so:
> where $node[text()[fn:matches(., $regex)]]
> Any $node will pass which contains at least one text node matching the 
> regular expression.
> Cheers,
> Hans-Jürgen
> Am Freitag, 19. Juli 2024 um 16:49:23 MESZ hat Josselin Morvan 
> <morvan.josse...@gmail.com> Folgendes geschrieben:
> Hi Everyone, 
> I'm migrating a webapp from BaseX 9.7 to BaseX 11 and I'm having a problem 
> with a wrapper function (just a function for adding content to an xml 
> template file)
> Basically, this function looks for nodes in a template.xml file that matche 
> regex to update the content of this file. Here is a small example : 
> template.xml
> <foo>
>     <bar>{content}</bar>
> </foo>
> Query:
> let $file := 'template.xml'
> let $wrap := fn:doc($file)
> let $regex := '\{(.+?)\}’ (: looking for something between curly braces :)
> return
>   for $node in $data//*
>   where $node[fn:matches(text(), $regex)]
>   return $node
> This function worked with BaseX 9.7, but returns an error with BaseX 11 : 
> [XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: ("&#xA; ", "&#xA;").
> However, if I put the content of template.xml in a variable, it works (even 
> with BaseX 11):
> let $wrap :=
>   <foo>
>     <bar>{{content}}</bar> (: just escaped curly braces :)
>   </foo>
> let $regex := '\{(.+?)\}' 
> return
>   for $node in $wrap//*
>   where $node[fn:matches(text(), $regex)]
>   return $node
> (:<bar>{content}</bar>:)
> Do you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong or what I’m missing?
> Thanks for your help!
> Best, 
> Josselin

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