On 2012-05-08, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Ah, thanks a lot!  I would have never guessed this...  Maybe the
>> documentation should say something like: "Querying across elements is
>> only supported when whitespace chopping is off."  If it's ok with you,
>> I'll add it.
> Thanks; your edits are welcome.

Ok, I'll add this then.

>> Another question: The examples in the documentation and the actual
>> behavior of BaseX suggest that ft:extract and ft:mark only work for
>> queries on a single text node, [...]
> Yes, that's true. In terms of the syntax, a dot (.) may work as well,
> if the addressed elements have no more descendant elements, as the
> following example shows:
> x.xml:
>   <x>A</x>
> query:
>   ft:mark(doc('x.xml')//x[. contains text 'a'])

Thanks for the information, that's good to know. I think I'll file an
enhancement request then: For text-oriented applications (e.g., TEI
documents), it would be extremely useful if ft:mark would work with
descendant elements; typically you have lots of mixed content, with
elements containing rendering information or annotations, such as <hi>,
<orig>, <corr>, <persName>, <placeName>, <handShift>, etc.: These
elements don't interrupt the logical text flow.

Best regards

Dr.-Ing. Michael Piotrowski, M.A. <m...@cl.uzh.ch>
Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich
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