Hi Christian,

Am 12.04.2013 um 10:49 schrieb Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>

> our CHOP flag is subject to frequent discussions, which is why we will
> eventually change the default to FALSE.

I really second that!

> For now, we are still a little
> bit resistant, as such a change will change the behavior of existing
> BaseX applications out there, so we’ll probably combine the switch
> with the next major release.
> For now, you can preserve whitespaces by e.g..
> -- adding the line CHOP=false in your .basex configuration file
> -- using the basex command-line flag -w
> -- using "set chop false" as first command, or setting the options in
> any other way described in our Wiki [1].

The problem is, that you will be aware of this only AFTER you created a DB and 
worked with it.  Unfortunately, users are not informed when creating a DB that 
they should think about whitespace.  And there is no reason a user should 
assume that creating a DB would semantically change their data. 

In the Digital Humanities, it is all about mixed content (another major issue, 
I think) as in TEI-annotated data and of course this involves whitespace.  The 
worst thing at the moment is that you cannot get back your whitespace once you 
figure out that you should have preserved it actively.  I had to recreate the 
DB and recode node-IDs in dependent DBs and so on.

So, yes please, make preserving whitespace the default behavior!

Best regards

Dr. phil. Cerstin Mahlow

Universität Basel
Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Fachbereich Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Nadelberg 4
4051 Basel

Tel:  +41 61 267 07 65
Fax: +41 61 267 34 40
Mail: cerstin.mah...@unibas.ch
Web: http://www.oldphras.net

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