As someone coming at this from the other direction - I would like to allow
dynamic execution of anything (given the appropriate passwords, of course).
I am trying to implement  something similar to eXide [1]  to run on an
Android phone. I am using

client:connect('localhost', 1984, 'admin', 'admin') !
client:query(.,$src)    client:connect('localhost', 1984, 'admin', 'admin')

 to execute arbitrary strings  from a RESTXQ application. This does allow
updating expressions.

I was surprised, but not too concerned, that "file:list('.')" requires
create permission. I could not find this, or similar information in the
Wiki. It would be a useful addition to document it there.

 I believe, at the Java level, these permissions are described using an
annotation and I wonder if there would be value in surfacing these as a
custom BaseX annotation in the module function stubs in etc\modules and
even allowing their use with pure XQuery code?



On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Christian Grün

> > Can you provide more information on how this is implemented on the
> > BaseX site?
> >
> > […] I was worried about the rest:query interface: I can
> > make my PHP proxy do all the checking I would have done with
> > cqi:nanny-says-ok(), but I can't prevent an adversary from sending an
> > HTTP request directly to the BaseX server and bypassing the PHP proxy
> > -- so I wanted to do my checking in XQuery.
> I’d like to, but I must admit that the existing implementation
> includes some irrelevant indirections, which is one of the reasons
> (beside time constraints) why we didn’t make it public so far. The
> general principle is simple, however: the query is sent to the plain
> REST service of a remote BaseX HTTP Server, and the chosen user has
> read-only permissions. If you want to avoid that the BaseX server is
> visible and can be controlled from outside, you can e.g. restrict the
> SERVERHOST option to localhost [1,2].
> Maybe this already solves part of the challenge?
> Christian
> [1]
> [2]
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