I have created an issue [1] and will take a look this evening. I suspect it
is my problem rather than BaseX. I have never been happy with that parsing
code :-)

I see there are now 3 Node BaseX clients [2] I think Hans simple-basex has
a lot of good ideas regarding the parsing.


[1] https://github.com/apb2006/basex-node/issues/10
[2] https://npmjs.org/search?q=basex

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Gerald de Jong <ger...@delving.eu> wrote:

> The state machine starts in "type" state.
> case "type":
> var r = self.popByte();
>  if (r) {
> self.state = (r.data == "\0") ? "status" : "item";
> progress = true;
>  }
> break
> But the first time it gets in here popByte returns an empty object for r.
>  I would have expected it to get that they "type" is \000b.  Maybe there's
> something wrong at the deeper interpretation level.  This does look like a
> proper response from BaseX:
> S1<<
> '\u000b<person>Gumby\nman</person>\u0000\u000b<person>Pokey\nhorse</person>\u0000\u0000\u0000'
> Does it not?
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Gerald de Jong <ger...@delving.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Andy!  Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.  I'm indeed using:
>> package.json:    "basex": "~0.6.1"
>> I thought as well that it might be an old reply, but all I do is create a
>> database, insert a document, and then query for something that is not there.
>> I am using BaseX 7.6 if that makes any difference.
>> Maybe you can see it.  Here's the debug of what goes back and forth
>> during the whole session:
>> S1<<
>> '1374588092554420000\u0000'
>> S1>>
>> 'admin\u0000'
>> S1>>
>> '713de454606e785a0666bd57e6554891\u0000'
>> S1<<
>> '\u0000'
>> S1: authorized
>> S1>>
>> 'create db gumby\u0000'
>> S1<<
>> '\u0000Database \'gumby\' created in 5.01 ms.\n\u0000\u0000'
>> response:  { result: '',
>>   info: 'Database \'gumby\' created in 5.01 ms.\n',
>>   ok: true }
>> .S1>>
>> '\t/people.xml\u0000<people><person>Gumby\nman</person><something>else</something><person>Pokey\nhorse</person></people>\u0000'
>> S1<<
>> 'Path "people.xml" added in 1.88 ms.\n\u0000\u0000'
>> response:  { ok: true, result: 'Path "people.xml" added in 1.88 ms.\n' }
>> .S1>>
>> '\u0000//somethingNotThere\u0000'
>> S1<<
>> '0\u0000\u0000'
>> response:  { ok: true, result: '0' }
>> S1>>
>> '\u00040\u0000'
>> S1<<
>> '\u0000\u0000'
>> And then it hangs, since the callback isn't called.
>> If, instead, I do a query that does give results back I get the first
>> value prefixed with \000b, which I believe is intended to indicate that the
>> result is an "element".
>> S1<<
>> '\u000b<person>Gumby\nman</person>\u0000\u000b<person>Pokey\nhorse</person>\u0000\u0000\u0000'
>> response:  { ok: true,
>>   result:
>>    [ '\u000b<person>Gumby\nman</person>',
>>      '<person>Pokey\nhorse</person>' ] }
>> {"ok":true,"result":["\u000b<person>Gumby\nman</person>","<person>Pokey\nhorse</person>"]}
>> See what I mean?
>> -Gerald
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Andy Bunce <bunce.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Gerald,
>>> Could that '\u0000\u0000' be part of an asynchronous  response to some
>>> previous command?
>>> Otherwise it looks fine:
>>> -> '\u0000 () \u0000'   // create query returning empty sequence
>>> <- '1\u0000 \u0000'     //The 1 is the query handle.
>>> -> '\u0004 1 \u0000'    //Execute the query with handle 1
>>> <- '\u0000 \u0000'      // no result no error
>>> Are you using https://npmjs.org/package/basex? If you can raise any
>>> problems or questions on github and I will take a look.
>>> /Andy
>>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Gerald de Jong <ger...@delving.eu>wrote:
>>>> So the driver sends a query for something that should give no results:
>>>> '\u0000/somethingNotThere\u0000'
>>>> It then receives, to my surprise:
>>>> '\u0000\u0000'
>>>> followed by:
>>>> '1\u0000\u0000'
>>>> then sends:
>>>> '\u00041\u0000'
>>>> and receives again:
>>>> '\u0000\u0000'
>>>> Are these proper responses.. is the driver misunderstanding them?
>>>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Gerald de Jong <ger...@delving.eu>wrote:
>>>>> Woops, somehow sent before I intended.  Just a sec.
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Gerald de Jong <ger...@delving.eu>wrote:
>>>>>> I'm trying to quickly prototype a REST server which uses BaseX for
>>>>>> persistence using NodeJS.
>>>>>> I'm able to create a session, add a document, query that document,
>>>>>> and then close the session.  Fine.
>>>>>> But when I create a query that should return no results, it seems the
>>>>>> NodeJS module for BaseX I'm using seems to completely misunderstand the
>>>>>> result and never execute the callback.
>>>>>> I looked at the protocol spec
>>>>>> http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Server_Protocol but it doesn't seem to
>>>>>> give back what is specified here.  I need a sanity check.
>>>>>> The driver sends this:
>>>>>> --
>>>> Delving BV, Vasteland 8, Rotterdam
>>>> http://www.delving.eu
>>>> http://twitter.com/fluxe
>>>> skype: beautifulcode
>>>> +31629339805
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>> --
>> Delving BV, Vasteland 8, Rotterdam
>> http://www.delving.eu
>> http://twitter.com/fluxe
>> skype: beautifulcode
>> +31629339805
> --
> Delving BV, Vasteland 8, Rotterdam
> http://www.delving.eu
> http://twitter.com/fluxe
> skype: beautifulcode
> +31629339805
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