Hej Arto,

just being interested:
How does it compare to a FLOWR expression?

declare function local:difference-flowr($a, $b) {
  for $x in $a
  where not($x = $b)
  group by $x
  return $x[1]


Am 25.09.13 07:22 schrieb Arto Viitanen:
> Question was about set operations in BaseX. I had to calculate set difference 
> on a sequence of values. XQuery has operator except, but it works only on 
> nodes. I guess normal code for this is using distinct-values:
> declare function local:difference-pred($a, $b) {
>    distinct-values($a[not(.=$b)])
> };
> I used it on big (thousands of values) sets, and it was slow. Then I tried on 
> maps using BaseX map-module :
> declare function local:difference-map($a, $b) {
>   let $m1 := map:new(for $i in $a return map:entry($i, true()))
>   let $m2 := map:new(for $i in $b return map:entry($i, false()))
>   let $m3 := map:new(($m1, $m2))
>   return for $i in map:keys($m3)
>      return if ($m3($i)) then $i else ()
> };
> Then we found another solution, with only one map:
> declare function local:difference-map-2($a, $b) {
>   let $m2 := map:new(for $i in $b return map:entry($i, true()))
>   return for $i in $a
>     return if($m2($i)) then () else $i
> };
> When trying them at same sequences:
> let $a :=for $i in (1 to 100000)
> return if (random:double() < 0.01) then  () else string($i)
> let $b := for $i in $a
> return if (random:double() < 0.45) then () else $i
> return (count($a), count($b),  count(prof:time( local:difference-pred($a, 
> $b), true(), 'pred ')),  
> count(prof:time( local:difference-map($a, $b), true(), 'map ')),
> count(prof:time( local:difference-map($a, $b),  true(), 'map2 ')))
> This gives times (on BaseX 7.6 running on OpenSUSE on VMWare virtual machine 
> on a PC). 
> pred: 80468.68ms
> map: 261.23 ms
> map2: 253.77 ms
> That is:  map2 is 317 times faster than distinct-values version. I did not 
> measure memory usage. Also on different size sequences, each one of the 
> functions can be fastest!
> --
> Arto Viitanen
> Finland
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