Hi Leo,

sorry for the delayed answer. I was looking to something smart to say over
this topic, but nothing came :) Indeed, I don't have tested yet patterns
like expression template to make any pertinent remark there.

>  you should probably also set `TAILCALLS` to -1
Thx for pointing this out.

>This also means that unconditionally inlining recursive functions can send
the compiler into an infinite loop.

For C++ (the only interpreter I know a little), this is left under the user
responsibility. When such infinite loop occurs, then the user payback its
freedom spending a lot of time to blindly understand why its interpreter
rose an exception. I don't know whether it is a good idea or not.

> This is conceptually simpler, but would bloat the syntax tree and mostly
(?) not help much.
See remark above.

In a first phase, having inlined version of fn:fold-left (maybe naming it
as hof:fold-left would be safer ?) should be enough, and safer, since you
should know in advance the call depth. Shall (INLINE = ?) control the depth
call ?

I did not have a look to the code yet, but I was wondering how can you
detect recursive calls ? The self recursive case seems easy to detect, but
if I glue two functions together, it seems trickier.



2013/11/24 Leo Wörteler <l...@basex.org>

> Jean-Marc,
> Am 23.11.2013 17:52, schrieb jean-marc Mercier:
>  A drawback is  that the stack trace is inefficient, hardening the
>> debugging. Thus it is better to set INLINE = 0 in dev phase.
> yes; you should probably also set `TAILCALLS` to -1 if you want the stack
> trace to always be accurate. As BaseX performs tail-call optimization [1],
> the stack will otherwise never contain more than a fixed number (currently
> 256) of tail-call frames.
>  Could you be kind enough to point me out the link to your code at Basex
>> repository ?
> Sure, function inlining is triggered in StaticFuncCall [2] and DynFuncCall
> [3].
>  Motivation : I would like to try evaluating whether inlining recursive
>> functions is possible or not. You are welcome to suggestions !
> The hard part about inlining recursive functions is figuring out when to
> stop. As they have a call to themselves in the function body, each time you
> inline them at least one new call is inserted. This also means that
> unconditionally inlining recursive functions can send the compiler into an
> infinite loop.
> Inlining is indeed possible for all functions for which we can guarantee
> that the number of replacements will be finite. I'm currently implementing
> this for `fn:fold-left`, `fn:fold-right` and `fn:for-each` (basically loop
> unrolling) when the sequence is short and known at compile time. It would
> definitely be possible to implement this for user-defined functions, too,
> but we'd need to identify (a subset of) the correct ones.
> Another option would be to always inline recursive functions up to a fixed
> depth. This is conceptually simpler, but would bloat the syntax tree and
> mostly (?) not help much.
> What are your ideas?
>   Leo
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_call
> [2] https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/blob/next/basex-core/
> src/main/java/org/basex/query/func/StaticFuncCall.java#L71
> [3] https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/blob/next/basex-core/
> src/main/java/org/basex/query/func/DynFuncCall.java#L57
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