Hi Moshe,

sorry for providing you with no answer. As you may already have
guessed, there is currently no out-of-the-box solution for your use
case. One usual (yet more heavy-weight) approach to do versioning with
BaseX is to simply store multiple versions of a document. The document
timestamps can e. g. be attached to the file name or kept track in an
additional database or document. This is pretty straightforward if
XQuery is used for the application logic, but it surely results in
some overhead compared to existing version control systems.

Another note, and a sorry to our Java 6 users: With BaseX 8.0, we’ll
move on to Java 7, as it provides much better support for different
files systems, correctly resolves symbolic links, adopts existing file
permissions when copying files, etc. Java 7 also comes with a file
watcher [1], which could be used to keep files in a database
up-to-date. A synchronization service could be built on top of that,
and could either be integrated within BaseX or offered as an external
service. Before integrating such a service into the core architecture,
we’ll of course need to find answers for various concurrency issues,
such as how to resolve conflicts (what is going to happen if a file
has been changed both in the file system and in the database?).

Hope this helps,

[1] http://codingjunkie.net/java-7-watchservice/

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Moshe Zuisman <zuism...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. I am right now using BaseX to analyse My XML files that keep
> installations pseudo-code(XMLs of IzPack open source installer).
> Procedure is quite entangled. I keep my XML source in files.. I periodically
> recreate BaseX database from folder that contain all my XML files and use it
> to perform queries, that analyse my data. When I find something I need - I
> have to go back to file, and perform search there to find once more therexml
> element . already retrieved at BaseX query.
> I weight to move from files to BaseX database and keep all info there.
> But... Here is a catch: Files I can keep in version control system (IBM
> Rational Cynnergy system)
> Is there some way to keep versions track of data - kept in BaseX database?
> Some interface with standard Version control systems, or any other way?
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