Hi Marc,

> Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

It turns out you didn't do wrong anything: The mapping between Java
and XQuery URIs was only uni-directional. I have just uploaded a new
snapshot which provides a fix for this [1].

Hope this helps,

[1] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/

> So, this is my very first post here. I started my first 'serious' xquery
> project after doing xslt mostly for a long long time. Soon I hope to put
> something on github.
> I needed to parse information from a URL and thought I could use
> java.net.URI instead of doing the hairy URI string parsing myself.
> As far as I can see this should work according to the documentation. But
> it's not:
> declare namespace uri = "java.net.URI";
> let $uri := uri:new('http://basex.org')
> return
>   uri:get-host($uri)
> It gives me: [FORG0006] Invalid call of Java function:
> URI.getHost(xs:anyURI).
> --Marc

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