
I have a problem with ft:mark()that seems to be a bug. Given the following 

        for $sentence in //sentence  
        where $sentence[text() contains text "biological"]
        return ft:mark($sentence[text() contains text "biological"], 'b')

And the following document structure:

          <section id="1">
            <title id="1.1">Title Section here</title>
            <paragraph id="1.1.1">
              <sentence id="">Induction of NF-KB during monocyte 
differentiation by HIV type 1 infection.</sentence>
              <sentence id="">Electrophoretic mobility shift assays 
and Southwestern blotting experiments were used to detect the binding of 
cellular transactivation factor NF-KB to the double repeat-KB enhancer sequence 
located in the long terminal repeat.</sentence>

In Java, if I use the methods query(String query), process(String query) or 
serialize(String query) from 
 I get the desired results (i.e. the term “biological” is highlighted):

        <sentence id="445">A novel fluorescent silica tracer for 
<b>biological</b> silicification studies</sentence>
        <sentence id="319125">Cell <b>biological</b> basis of 

But when I try to access the Java object, using the method iterate(String 
query), the highlight is missing:

        QueryProcessor proc = new QueryProcessor(query, context);
        Iter iter = proc.iter();
        ArrayList<BXElem> results = new ArrayList<BXElem>();
        for(Item item; (item = iter.next()) != null;)
                results.add((BXElem) item.toJava());

        // print results
        for(BXElem elem: results)


        A novel fluorescent silica tracer for biological silicification studies
        Cell biological basis of biomineralization

Is this a known bug or I am doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance.


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