Although a plain spawn would already be helpful, I think the 28msec
implementation is much more than this, with queues and all. Surprises me
that MarkLogic doesn't have other concurrency/async mechanisms than this?
Eventually I would love to see something like the mechanisms that are
available in Clojure or Go. Some articles and
Obviously this goes far beyond spawning a query but a man can dream right

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Marc van Grootel <> wrote:

> Exactly that would've been my followup question. We cannot spawn a call in
> BaseX xquery, which is required in order to give a quick response but have
> the processing continue.
> I've asked this also because I think this async pattern is an important
> one for web services in general.
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Andy Bunce <> wrote:
>> That marklogic link should have been:
>> On 16 July 2014 09:55, Andy Bunce <> wrote:
>>> Hi Micheal,
>>> I think there may be a problem with the idea of using RESTXQ. My
>>> experience is that something stops requests after a minute or so, maybe it
>>> is just the browser or maybe something related on the server (Jetty maxIdle
>>> <>
>>> time?)
>>> And while a web-socket interface would be great, I think asynchronous
>>> execution is a core feature.
>>>    - eXist has util:eval-async
>>> <>
>>>    - 28msec has asynchronous-jobs
>>> <>
>>>    - Marklogic has ModuleSpawn.html <http://modulespawn.html/>
>>> /Andy
>>> On 16 July 2014 08:58, Michael Seiferle <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>> I actually think this could be done "manually" using RestXQ.
>>>> You could maybe with something like this:
>>>> client issues request to start a long running job:
>>>> 1) restxq/start/long-running-job -> returns job id 'Foo'
>>>> Every n-seconds the client asks:
>>>> 2) restxq/is-job-running?job-id=Foo
>>>>         -> either redirects to restxq/is-job-running?job-id=Foo iff
>>>> job 'Foo' is still running
>>>>         -> or redirects to restxq/the-job-is-done iff job 'Foo' has
>>>> stopped running
>>>> Obviously this kind of polling is neither an asynchronous nor the most
>>>> beautiful (yet, at the moment the only) way to do it.
>>>> Personally I'd like to see support for
>>>> tutorials/websockets/basics/ Websockets, this way RestXQ could notify
>>>> the client once something is finished.
>>>> This would be true async communication and feel a lot better to deal
>>>> with.
>>>> More opinions on this topic are very welcome :-)
>>>> Best
>>>> Michael
>>>> On 15 Jul 2014, at 17:21, Marc van Grootel wrote:
>>>>  How would you implement an async REST pattern? I don't remember having
>>>>> seen
>>>>> anything that makes me do this using plain XQuery. Does this mean the
>>>>> only
>>>>> way to tackle this would be via Java and events maybe?
>>>>> I would post to a URL, this URL would accept the post and return a
>>>>> temporary URL where I can check the status of my request, then once
>>>>> it's
>>>>> ready this temp URL will redirect me to the location of the real
>>>>> resource.
>>>>> That's the gist of the async REST pattern that I would like to
>>>>> implement.
>>>>> What would be the best approach to experiment with this?
>>>>> --Marc
> --
> --Marc


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