
I'm trying to run validations on XML files that use DTD doctype
declarations (DITA), I have a catalog.xml that contains the correct
references for the entity resolver. DITA schemas refer to other
entities but I have no control over where it loads them from so I get
"Failed to read schema document
'urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:commonElementGrp.xsd:1.2', because 1)
could not find the document; ...."

btw I also have Saxon present.

I have no clue what's the easiest way of using this catalog from
XQuery code. In Ant I always used <xmlcatalog> element as part of the
<xmlvalidate> task.

Or, maybe I could set some system property that forces the use of a
specific catalog (I hope to avoid using one fixed catalog though).



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