
This is a follow up to the benchmarking work I presented at the user
meeting in Prague.
I have made some changes to my BenchX application to allow the split option
(-s) of xmgen to be used. http://www.xml-benchmark.org/faq.txt

I have compared the timings for databases created from sources with and
without the -s option. In principle these should provide very similar

xmlgen /f 0.2 /o folder/auction

xmlgen /f 0.2  /o folder/auction /s 400

In the first case a single file auction is created. In the second 35 files
(auction00000... auction00034) are created.
In both cases the file or files are loaded to a single database to query.
In most cases the query performance is very similar.
The exception is q09.xq. This appears to be 2 or 3 orders of magnitude
slower against the database created from the split sources.

The actual query result seems to be the same. I have seen the same
performance effect for factors f= 0.2, 0.5, 1 but not the somewhat  trival

Any idea what is happening here?


let $auction := collection("benchx-db") return
let $ca := $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction return
    $ei := $auction/site/regions/europe/item
for $p in $auction/site/people/person
let $a :=
  for $t in $ca
  where $p/@id = $t/buyer/@person
    let $n := for $t2 in $ei where $t/itemref/@item = $t2/@id return $t2
    return <item>{$n/name/text()}</item>
return <person name="{$p/name/text()}">{$a}</person>

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