Hi Christian,

I have found that BaseX 8.1.1 has a very poor performance in comparison to 
BaseX 7.6 regarding inserting XML elements into an XML document. In my 
application I very often add new data to the DB by using a construct like this

insert node local:recordsWithObjectType(‚Type') into /rootDoc

local:recordsWithObjectType() is an xQuery function returning typically several 
thousand XML nodes which has to be inserted info a given root document.

Running this kind of stuff on BaseX 7.6 I typically have a runtime of 500 ms 
when adding round about 3.000 nodes. Running the exact same stuff on BaseX 
8.1.1 (same data) the runtime is about 5.000 ms (factor 10 more).

Is there a way to boost the insert performance in BaseX 8.1.1 to a value 
comparable to BaseX 7.6?

Thanks in advance,


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