Hi Alex,

> I am making a new BaseX client  for nodejs.

That's nice to hear, thanks for the update!

> I hit enter by mistake and gmail sent before I finished listing the current
> features and adding a link

A little hint: I activated the "undo send" lab feature in GMail. The
only problem is that I'm now frequently using this feature instead of
properly reading my mail first..


> Hi all,
> I am making a new BaseX client  for nodejs.
> It focuses on utilising node streams in order to be able to pipe
> data to/from BaseX directly. (i.e. pipe request body to an ADD command
> or pipe XQuery output to a response). It also uses promises for more
> code flow flexibility.
> Current features:
> - Supports streams where appropriate (command output, query execution,
> add, store etc)
> - Promises interface
> - Query results available as they come
> - Events monitor support
> Planned features:
> - Simple utils (ie db info retrieval, repo management)
> - Database OOP (ie `db('test').then(function (db) { db.backup()})`
> - Result type conversion
> - Built-in support for json results (ie parse json response on-the-fly)
> I plan to release it in NPM within the week (It lacks proper
> documentation and I want to organise my tests as mocha tests).
> Alex
> On 13 May 2015 at 12:17, alxarch <alxa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am making a new BaseX client  for nodejs.
>> It focuses on utilising node streams in order to be able to pipe
>> data to/from BaseX directly. (i.e. pipe request body to an ADD command
>> or pipe XQuery output to a response). It also uses promises for more
>> code flow flexibility.
>> Features:
>> - Supports streams where appropriate (command output, query execution,
>> add, store etx)
>> - Promises interface
>> I plan to release it in NPM within the week (It lacks proper
>> documentation and I want to organise my tests as mocha tests).
>> Alex

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