The codepoints are identical for both for "føre":

102 248 114 101

and same as GUI.

However, when using text index instead of full text the results are the
same for both, except that RESTXQ takes almost forever (as if there was no
text index), while REST gives immediate result. So it looks as if the
RESTXQ accesses the index structure in a different way - could that be so,
or is there some strange things in my own configuration?

2015-05-18 14:28 GMT+02:00 Christian Grün <>:

> It could be that your URL is decoded in a wrong way.. What happens if
> you run the following function with REST and RESTXQ and "føre" as
> word?
>   declare
>     %rest:path("/test/encoding/{$word}")
>   function page:test-encoding($word) {
>     string-to-codepoints($word)
>   };
> Thanks,
> Christian
> string-to-codepoints()
> > REST output (2 first lines):
> >    føre
> >    fø - re 219
> >
> >    føre
> >    fo - re 123
> >
> > The first word quoted is "føre" in both cases and is what the scripts
> see,
> > so the full text is given the same in both cases. Could it be that within
> > RESTXQ the full text index is treated differently?
> >
> > I will work closer on a  self contained example, but thought this might
> > point to something.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Lars
> >
> >
> > 2015-05-18 13:44 GMT+02:00 Lars Johnsen <>:
> >>
> >> Hi Christian - and thanks for fast response. Latest version 8.11 is in
> use
> >> (same behaviour as previous). Let me see if I can make a self contained
> >> example.
> >>
> >> best,
> >> Lars
> >>
> >> 2015-05-18 13:40 GMT+02:00 Christian Grün <>:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Lars,
> >>>
> >>> hm, that's difficult to tell. All I can say is that this sounds
> >>> unusual, so I'm coming up with my standard questions: Do you think you
> >>> could build us a little example that allows us to reproduce the
> >>> problem? Have you tried the latest version of BaseX?
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>> Christian
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Lars Johnsen <>
> wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > I am running a web script in two identical versions (identical as in
> >>> > "cut
> >>> > and paste"), one via RESTXQ and one vi REST. The response is
> different,
> >>> > and
> >>> > I wondered what may be the trouble.
> >>> >
> >>> > For example the output (the URLs only works locally) for
> >>> >     http://ljohnsen:8984/hyphens/mellom
> >>> > is the same as
> >>> >      http://ljohnsen:8984/rest?run=hyphen-show.xq&word=mellom
> >>> >
> >>> > which is a set of hyphenation data:
> >>> >     mellom
> >>> >     mel - lom 17005
> >>> >     Mel - lom 144
> >>> >     mel - lom. 50
> >>> >
> >>> > but if "mellom" is exchanged with "nasjonalbiblioteket" only  the
> >>> > version shows any result, which then is the same as I get
> experimenting
> >>> > in
> >>> > the GUI.
> >>> >
> >>> > The actual script is added below, and which runs in both versions
> >>> > (identical apart form the rest and restxq interfaces), it uses full
> >>> > text
> >>> > search, but results differ when run under the REST-regime.
> >>> >
> >>> > All the best
> >>> > Lars G Johnsen
> >>> > National Library of Norway
> >>> >
> >>> > module namespace page = '';
> >>> >
> >>> > declare
> >>> >   %rest:path("/hyphens/{$word}")
> >>> >   %output:method("html")
> >>> >
> >>> > function page:show-hyphens($word) {
> >>> >    let $db := db:open('hyphen-data')
> >>> >      let $hyphens :=  for $hyp in $db/hyphens/hyphens[full contains
> >>> > text
> >>> > {$word}]
> >>> >       group by $first := $hyp/first, $second := $hyp/second
> >>> >       let $count := count($hyp)
> >>> >       order by xs:int($count) descending
> >>> >       return element p {
> >>> >         attribute freq {$count},
> >>> >         $first, " - ", $second, $count
> >>> >       }
> >>> >
> >>> >      let $total := sum($hyphens//@freq)
> >>> >      let $div := element div {
> >>> >        element p {$word},
> >>> >        for $hyp in $hyphens
> >>> >        return element div {
> >>> >           attribute class {"hyph"},
> >>> >           attribute style {"font-size:", 1
> >>> > +round(xs:int($hyp//@freq/data())
> >>> > div $total,1) || "em"},
> >>> >           $hyp
> >>> >
> >>> >          }
> >>> >      }
> >>> >      return
> >>> >      <html encoding="UTF-8">
> >>> >     <head>
> >>> >         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"
> >>> > charset="UTF-8"
> >>> > />
> >>> >         <title>Orddelinger</title>
> >>> >     </head>
> >>> >     <body>{$div}
> >>> >     </body>
> >>> >     </html>
> >>> >
> >>> > };
> >>
> >>
> >

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