It sounds like a great idea and I can also implement it to the date comparisons, but unfortunately the new query is much slower.
Please see the attached log.

With kind regards,

On 07/14/2015 12:50 PM, Christian Grün wrote:
Should geo:within of http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Geo_Module help?
The functions of the Geo Module don't use any index structures, so I
am afraid they won't speed up the query.

One more idea: you could convert all latitudes and longitudes to
strings with a fixed number of digits....

(:~ Allowed range. :)
declare variable $RANGE := 999999;
(:~ Maximum latitude. :)
declare variable $LAT-MIN := -90;
(:~ Maximum longitude. :)
declare variable $LAT-MAX := 90;

  : Converts a double value to a normalized string value
  : with a fixed size of digits.
  : @param $num number to be converted
  : @param $min minimum allowed value
  : @param $max maximum allowed value
  : @return resulting value
declare function local:normalize(
   $num as xs:double,
   $min as xs:integer,
   $max as xs:integer
) {
   let $norm := $RANGE * ($num - $min) div ($max - $min)
   return format-number($norm, '000000')

(: Run code for various latitude values :)
for $latitude in (-90, -89.9999, -13.345, 0, 89.99999)
return local:normalize($latitude, $LAT-MIN, $LAT-MAX)

Next, you could to do string comparisons on these values:

   for $doc in db:open("CDI")
   let $lat := $doc//latitude
   let $lon := $doc//longitude
   where $lat >= "883387" and $lat <= "893463"
     and $lon >= "173467" and $lon <= "178745"
   return db:node-pre($doc)

It should be fast enough if the maximum value is not much bigger than
the minimum value.

- inlining $norm_3
- simplifying flwor expression
- pre-evaluating -90
- pre-evaluating -180
- pre-evaluating db:open("CDI")
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $num_13 as xs:double cast.
- removing redundant $min_14 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_15 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_13
- inlining $min_14
- pre-evaluating (46.733 - -90)
- pre-evaluating (999999 * 136.733)
- inlining $max_15
- pre-evaluating (90 - -90)
- pre-evaluating (1.36732863267E8 div 180)
- pre-evaluating format-number(759627.0181499999, "000000")
- simplifying flwor expression
- pre-evaluating -67.81
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $num_16 as xs:double cast.
- removing redundant $min_17 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_18 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_16
- inlining $min_17
- pre-evaluating (-67.81 - -90)
- pre-evaluating (999999 * 22.189999999999998)
- inlining $max_18
- pre-evaluating (90 - -90)
- pre-evaluating (2.218997781E7 div 180)
- pre-evaluating format-number(123277.65449999999, "000000")
- simplifying flwor expression
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $num_19 as xs:double cast.
- removing redundant $min_20 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_21 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_19
- inlining $min_20
- pre-evaluating (72.7006667 - -180)
- pre-evaluating (999999 * 252.7006667)
- inlining $max_21
- pre-evaluating (180 - -180)
- pre-evaluating (2.527004139993333E8 div 360)
- pre-evaluating format-number(701945.5944425925, "000000")
- simplifying flwor expression
- pre-evaluating -79.9666667
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $num_22 as xs:double cast.
- removing redundant $min_23 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_24 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_22
- inlining $min_23
- pre-evaluating (-79.9666667 - -180)
- pre-evaluating (999999 * 100.0333333)
- inlining $max_24
- pre-evaluating (180 - -180)
- pre-evaluating (1.000332332666667E8 div 360)
- pre-evaluating format-number(277870.0924074075, "000000")
- simplifying flwor expression
- rewriting descendant-or-self step(s)
- rewriting descendant-or-self step(s)
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $min_26 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_27 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_25 as xs:double
- inlining $min_26
- inlining $max_27
- pre-evaluating (180 - -180)
- simplifying flwor expression
- rewriting descendant-or-self step(s)
- inlining local:normalize#3
- removing redundant $min_29 as xs:integer cast.
- removing redundant $max_30 as xs:integer cast.
- inlining $num_28 as xs:double
- inlining $min_29
- inlining $max_30
- pre-evaluating (90 - -90)
- simplifying flwor expression
- rewriting ($beginPosition_10 >= "1889-01-01")
- rewriting ($beginPosition_10 <= "2015-07-10")
- atomic evaluation of ($lat_12 <= $north_5)
- atomic evaluation of ($lat_12 >= $south_6)
- atomic evaluation of ($lon_11 <= $east_7)
- atomic evaluation of ($lon_11 >= $west_8)
- rewriting ("1889-01-01" <= $beginPosition_10 and $beginPosition_10 <= "2015-07-10" and ($lat_12 <= $north_5) and ($lat_12 >= $south_6) and ($lon_11 <= $east_7) and ($lon_11 >= $west_8))
- inlining $db_4
- inlining $north_5
- rewriting ($lat_12 <= "759627")
- inlining $south_6
- rewriting ($lat_12 >= "123278")
- inlining $east_7
- rewriting ($lon_11 <= "701946")
- inlining $west_8
- rewriting ($lon_11 >= "277870")
- inlining $beginPosition_10
- rewriting where clause(s)
declare variable $RANGE := 999999; declare variable $LAT-MIN := -90; declare variable $LAT-MAX := 90; declare variable $LON-MIN := -180; declare variable $LON-MAX := 180; declare function local:normalize( $num as xs:double, $min as xs:integer, $max as xs:integer ) { let $norm := $RANGE * ($num - $min) div ($max - $min) return format-number($norm, '000000') }; let $db := db:open("CDI") let $north := local:normalize(46.733, $LAT-MIN, $LAT-MAX) let $south := local:normalize(-67.81, $LAT-MIN, $LAT-MAX) let $east := local:normalize(72.7006667, $LON-MIN, $LON-MAX) let $west := local:normalize(-79.9666667, $LON-MIN, $LON-MAX) for $x in $db let $beginPosition := string($x//startTime) let $lon := local:normalize($x//longitudine, $LON-MIN, $LON-MAX) let $lat := local:normalize($x//latitudine, $LAT-MIN, $LAT-MAX) where $beginPosition>="1889-01-01" and $beginPosition<="2015-07-10" and $lat <= $north and $lat >= $south and $lon <= $east and $lon >= $west return db:node-pre($x)
Optimized Query:
for $x_9 in ((db:open-pre("CDI",0), ...))["1889-01-01" <= string(descendant::*:startTime) <= "2015-07-10"] let $lon_11 := format-number(((999999 * (((: xs:double, true :) $x_9/descendant::*:longitudine) - -180)) div 360), "000000") where ($lon_11 <= "701946" and "277870" <= $lon_11) let $lat_12 := format-number(((999999 * (((: xs:double, true :) $x_9/descendant::*:latitudine) - -90)) div 180), "000000") where ($lat_12 <= "759627" and "123278" <= $lat_12) return db:node-pre($x_9)
- Hit(s): 374739 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 2048 KB
- Read Locking: local [CDI]
- Write Locking: none
- Parsing: 3.36 ms
- Compiling: 14.2 ms
- Evaluating: 2.54 ms
- Printing: 7185.75 ms
- Total Time: 7205.85 ms
Query plan:
<QueryPlan compiled="true">
      <Var name="$x" id="9"/>
        <DBNodeSeq size="374739">
          <DBNode name="CDI" pre="0"/>
          <DBNode name="CDI" pre="62"/>
          <DBNode name="CDI" pre="151"/>
          <DBNode name="CDI" pre="204"/>
          <DBNode name="CDI" pre="274"/>
        <CmpSR min="1889-01-01" max="2015-07-10">
          <FnString name="string([item])">
              <IterStep axis="descendant" test="*:startTime"/>
      <Var name="$lon" id="11"/>
      <FnFormatNumber name="format-number(number,picture[,format])">
        <Arith op="div">
          <Arith op="*">
            <Int value="999999" type="xs:integer"/>
            <Arith op="-">
              <TypeCheck type="xs:double" function="true">
                    <Var name="$x" id="9"/>
                  <IterStep axis="descendant" test="*:longitudine"/>
              <Int value="-180" type="xs:integer"/>
          <Int value="360" type="xs:integer"/>
        <Str value="000000" type="xs:string"/>
        <CmpSR min="" max="701946">
            <Var name="$lon" id="11"/>
        <CmpSR min="277870" max="">
            <Var name="$lon" id="11"/>
      <Var name="$lat" id="12"/>
      <FnFormatNumber name="format-number(number,picture[,format])">
        <Arith op="div">
          <Arith op="*">
            <Int value="999999" type="xs:integer"/>
            <Arith op="-">
              <TypeCheck type="xs:double" function="true">
                    <Var name="$x" id="9"/>
                  <IterStep axis="descendant" test="*:latitudine"/>
              <Int value="-90" type="xs:integer"/>
          <Int value="180" type="xs:integer"/>
        <Str value="000000" type="xs:string"/>
        <CmpSR min="" max="759627">
            <Var name="$lat" id="12"/>
        <CmpSR min="123278" max="">
            <Var name="$lat" id="12"/>
    <DbNodePre name="node-pre(nodes)">
        <Var name="$x" id="9"/>

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